Looks like the people behind the highly useful interactive tool "energy charts" are on mastodon as @energy_charts_d #energy #energydon #renewables https://energy-charts.info/charts/price_average_map/chart.htm?l=en&c=DE&interval=year
#renewables #energydon #energy
The 20-day refueling&maintenance outage at Loviisa 1 begins tomorrow at noon CET, a day ahead of time.
Of the three options to compensate for the variable wind generation:
1. peaker plants
2. storage
3. long-distance transfer,
3. is almost completely neglected.
Huomenna uhkaa sähköpula, kun Ruotsin siirtoyhteydet ovat poissa pelistä. Kriittisinä tunteina Espoossa kWh maksaa n. 75 c. Hyvä hetki miettiä, kumpi on parempi:
1. Hintakatto, jotta hinta pysyy joka tunti kohtuullisena.
2. Ei käytetä sähköä, ettei se lopu.
People claiming that high capital cost and low operating cost make nuclear unsuitable for load following don't realize that the same would then apply to hydro as well.
Loviisa 2 will start ramping down to an 18-day refueling outage tomorrow at 04:30 CET. Offline by noon.
Shame to see coal burning but the OL2 generator fault occurred just when the Sweden interconnector is offline due to upgrading.
Insult to injury: OL2 down due to "turbine problems".
A 1,500 MW BWR plant costs less than a 1,000 MW river. And is equally well-controllable.
@EnergyBot Stupid to let power go to waste but that's what you get when there's no storage capacity in the grid.
Every company should carefully consider this when deciding where to invest in Europe.
When the wind doesn't blow, nukes is all we've got. Been this way the whole summer.
It should be reasonably straightforward to import the momentary wind generation (% of installed capacity) into the home automation from the Fingrid API and use to control e.g. the EV charging or electric heating power in real-time.
Sähkön hinnan pysyvyyskäyrät 2021-2023. Selvästi vuoden 2021 alla mennään.
If I was healthy, I'd install solar heat pipes underneath the PV panels.
Do any folks have recommended reading material for me on behavior modification of residential energy consumption that promotes conservation?
I'm basing some of my work off of the following study, but am worried it's outdated since it was authored in 2009.
#energy #energytransition #energywork #energydon #climatecrises
#energy #energytransition #energywork #energydon #climatecrises