I can't recommend this short #film enough.
The Great Simplification - Film on energy, environment, and our future.
"We're all alive during the #carbon pulse" 🛢️ ⛽
We are draining Earth's "energy battery" 🔋 millions of times faster than it was trickle charged by photosynthesis ☀️ 🌳. https://www.thegreatsimplification.com/animations
#history #future #FossilFuels #EnergyBlind #GDP #power
#wisdom #sustainability #degrowth #EnergyEfficency
#film #carbon #history #future #fossilfuels #EnergyBlind #gdp #power #wisdom #sustainability #degrowth #energyefficency #biology #psychology #tribalism #behaviors #consumption #ai
I’m like a theoretical heat pump technician. I can tell you how to install, service, and maintain a heat pump, along with providing historical and design information and calculations, but I cannot do what HVAC techs do because I have the soft, dainty hands and wrists of a banker.
#EnergyEfficency #HeatPumps #ccASHP #CleanEnergy #weatherization #BeneficialElectrification #ElectrifyAmerica #ElectrifyEverything #CestTheo
#cesttheo #ElectrifyEverything #electrifyamerica #beneficialelectrification #weatherization #cleanenergy #ccashp #heatpumps #energyefficency
I need to find another one of me, aka writer/autodidact/independent worker/interest in tech/education/applied sciences/engineering.
If you know anyone who wants to make up to $50/hour writing, instructing/researching, designing curriculum and graphics, etc. please let me know. It’s remote, work-from-home, and you can make up to $59,999. For some reason, the college allegedly breaks down and explodes if they pay you a penny more as a contractor.
#energyefficency #weatherization
Pleasantly surprised to discover today that Pinterest is an excellent source of easy-to-understand and well-designed heat pump diagrams, basic electrical engineering visuals, etc. This is making course design a lot easier.
#pinterest #EnergyEfficency #heatpumps #ccASHP
#ccashp #heatpumps #energyefficency #pinterest
Info on how heat pumps are performing during this winter storm is VERY useful for the course I’m presently designing & writing. Going to call some HVAC folx to see what the most common service & maintenance customer calls have been.
Also, air sealing is a top priority for building weatherization, but WAP has an article (19-5?) about not replacing windows for air sealing purposes. 😔
#HeatPumps #EnergyEfficency #WAP #CleanEnergyPlan #NEEP #IREC #DOE #Weatherization #curriculumdevelopment
#curriculumdevelopment #weatherization #doe #irec #neep #CleanEnergyPlan #Wap #energyefficency #heatpumps
Mostly an ad trying to be an article but information is still interesting. The #HeatPump has a UEF of 4.02 which is pretty awesome. Should provide some good #EnergySavings. #EnergyEfficency #EnergyMastodon
CleanTechnica: All I Want For Christmas Is A New Voltex AL Heat Pump Water Heater.
#energymastodon #energyefficency #energysavings #heatpump
Mostly an ad trying to be an article but information is still interesting. The #HeatPump has a UEF of 4.02 which is pretty awesome. Should provide some good #EnergySavings. #EnergyEfficency #EnergyMastodon
Edit to add @cleantechnica since they're on here. Hopefully they'll post a bit if they see people tagging them.
CleanTechnica: All I Want For Christmas Is A New Voltex AL Heat Pump Water Heater.
#energymastodon #energyefficency #energysavings #heatpump