Hier heeft #EnergyMastodon lang op gewacht: welkom Martien Visser! @BM_Visser
Ich brauch mal Hilfe von #energyMastodon.
Ich bin auf Facebook in die Szene der Stromtrassengegner geraten. Das liest sich fast wie EIKE, nur nicht gegen Windkraft sondern gegen Leitungen.
Merkwürdigste Argumente, warum Stromtrassen angeblich schlecht sind. Geht’s denen eigentlich nur darum, dass die keine Stromtrassen “im Garten” haben wollen, oder sind da auch legitime Gründe dabei?
cc. @wpschill
#stromtrasse #stromtrassenausbau #erneuerbare #erneuerbareenergien
#energymastodon #stromtrasse #stromtrassenausbau #erneuerbare #erneuerbareenergien
Any hot takes on Meredith Angwin and her book Shorting the Grid?
#energytransition #energymastodon #energytwitter #books
Wind was in short supply for much of the summer in the US Midcontinent electricity grid (MISO).
It appears the fall winds are coming back though and wind is currently the single largest source of electricity.
Utility solar also topped 3 GW in the past few days so I presume there have finally been some solar and perhaps wind project completions.
#windenergy #renewables #miso #energymastodon
A good summary of the current problems facing european wind. It echoes previous OEM comments that innovation has been to fast and hasn't been able to stay profitable. #windpower #energy #energymastodon https://www.politico.eu/article/solar-power-china-europ-now-its-about-to-do-the-same-with-wind/
#windpower #energy #energymastodon
How did geese end up being icons of righteous accountability and retribution?
Cc @solar_chase
#energytransition #hydrogen #oott #energymastodon
Over on #EnergyTwitter, I don't follow #EnergyMastodon as much as I should perhaps, I see that The Breakthrough Institute is attacking Mark Z Jacobson yet again.
I'm not going to dive into the modeling, but I will add my two cents. I don't recommend trusting TheBTI and others have questioned their bias as well. @CommercialSolarGuy https://fediscience.org/@MichaelEMann/110533311214778933
#energymastodon #energytwitter
EIA is going to give NEMS a big overhaul in the coming year, and take a year off from publishing the AEO to do it. And open source the whole thing!
#energytwitter #energymastodon #energydata #opensource #eia
Interesting discussion from the #DERTaskForce on the overlap (or lack thereof) between energy and "tech" circles, data and institutional limitations on commercial renewable energy deployment in the US, and the possibility of scaling up co-location of loads and distributed generation to get around those limitations.
Long and rambly, and a bit of inside-baseball, but definitely worth a listen.
#EnergyTransition #EnergyMastodon #DER
#dertaskforce #energytransition #energymastodon #der
Climate journalists who write about the German electricity mix and turning off nuclear never write about per person electricity consumption. Your perspective is probably warped as a result.
USA generates ~2500 kWh/person year with coal
Germany generates ~2170 kWh/p.y.
If Americans consumed electricity like Germans, they could shut off every single coal plant AND every single nuclear plant in the country, and still sell 1260 kWh/p.y. excess electricity to Canada and Mexico.
Wow! Dit is behoorlijk ongezien: zondag 16 juli 2023 in België negatieve stroomprijzen van 3 uur tot 17 uur ... #EnergyMastodon
Hats off to the town of Gütersloh, Germany, which started turning off their streetlights for 4 hours per night in October (Midnight to 4 on Monday-Thursday, 2 to 6 Friday-Sunday): https://www.westfalen-blatt.de/owl/kreis-guetersloh/guetersloh/stadt-gutersloh-knipst-nachts-das-licht-aus-2631952?npg=
So far, the city has saved an estimated 600,000 kWh, equivalent to the yearly electricity consumption of ~200 German families.
#energymastodon #lightpollution
Cleaning up the mess of calculation metadata that describe the relationships between values reported in the #FERC Form 1 data. #DataViz #PyData #EnergyTransition #EnergyTwitter #EnergyMastodon
Here we've got utility income statements, before and after pruning the DAG to make it into a nice nested tree. Even without labeling the nodes, it's been really helpful to see the graph structure for debugging errors in the published calculations!
#ferc #dataviz #pydata #energytransition #energytwitter #energymastodon
🚨New Publication!🚨
We've published a new open access paper:
"Optimal siting of onshore wind turbines: Local disamenities matter"
• Analysis how local disamenities affect the optimal siting of wind turbines
• Analysis is based on >100,000 potential sites in Germany
• Substantial spatial trade-offs between minimizing generation and disamenity costs exist
• Socially optimal spatial allocation is dominated by disamenity costs
#energy #energymastodon #windpower
Colored by which schedule of the #FERC Form 1 the data comes from, and after doing a bunch of data repair to get the various calculations hooked up and remove duplicate connections that were resulting in a DAG rather than a tree structure.
🔴 = Balance Sheet Assets
🟢 = Utility Plant Summary
🔵 = Electric Plant In Service
#ferc #dataviz #energymastodon
If anyone likes Joe Mama jokes circa 1992, check out this recording of a Public Utilities Commission of Texas meeting about aggregated distributed energy resources and listen to the magic of Tesla’s speaker from about 29 minutes to 45 minutes. There are a couple other references beyond that. But the one right before 45 minutes had me dying as I tuned into it. https://www.adminmonitor.com/tx/puct/workshop/20230628/ #energymastodon
Anybody have a favorite tutorial for how to draw pretty network (graph) diagrams using #NetworkX and #GraphViz
We're building calculation trees that represent the relationships between different fields in the FERC Form 1 (e.g. how hundreds of granular reported values aggregate up to a utility's balance sheet or income streams) based on XBRL metadata (which we've cleaned up significantly) but the default output leaves something to be desired.
#networkx #graphviz #dataviz #energymastodon #pydata #energytransition
Die "chinesischen" Emissionen sind zu nicht unwesentlichen Teil zur Produktion von Gütern, die "der Westen" konsumiert. Damit die nicht anfallen müssten wir unser Konsumverhalten anpassen.
#Fossilen #klimawandel #klimaneutral #klimaneutralitat #co2 #co2senke #energymastodon
#Fossilen #klimawandel #klimaneutral #klimaneutralitat #co2 #co2senke #energymastodon
Kann das hier bitte mal jemand interpretieren?!
Das hört sich für mich ganz hart nach Bullshit aus der #fossilen Bubble an…
#klimawandel #klimaneutral #klimaneutralitat #co2 #CO2Senke #energymastodon
#fossilen #klimawandel #klimaneutral #klimaneutralitat #co2 #co2senke #energymastodon
If you're interested in the finances of #NaturalGas #Utilities, we're now able to extract the #FERC Form 2 data for 1996-2020.
#EnergyMastodon #EnergyData #EnergyTransition #EnergyTwitter #OpenData
Browse and query it via our @datasette instance here: https://data.catalyst.coop/ferc2
Or download the whole #SQLite DB (~250MB) directly from AWS: https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/intake.catalyst.coop/dev/ferc2.sqlite
We have limited metadata for this form, but you can see a blank version here:
#naturalgas #utilities #ferc #energymastodon #energydata #energytransition #energytwitter #opendata #sqlite