RT @Bath_IfS
🎓The latest @antoinebuchard group paper published in @ACSPublications Applied #EnergyMaterials on self-healing gel polymer electrolytes from #renewablefeedstocks is here! 👇 #chemtwitter https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsaem.2c03937
#energymaterials #renewablefeedstocks #chemtwitter
#EnergyMaterials The Solar Energy Research Group within the Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) at the University of Exeter, UK, is hosting a two-day online International Conference on Solar Energy Materials and Technology (#ICSEMT https://www.exeter.ac.uk/research/esi/esi10/icsemt2022/) in collaboration with King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia.
he Conference is sold out on Zoom but will be available to view via live stream on the ESI Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/UniofExeterESI
Join on December 5 at 1:00PM EST for the webinar 'Advances in the Physical Chemistry of Energy Materials Research: Insights from #EarlyCareer and Emerging Investigators'. Hear from speakers Noa Marom, James McKone and @LEMarbella
#PhysicalChemistry #ChemiVerse #Chemistry #Physics #EnergyMaterials
#energymaterials #physics #chemistry #chemiverse #physicalchemistry #earlycareer