More info on the wonder of a #Wonderbag as well as recipes here #EnergySavingTip #EnergySaving #Haybox #ThermalCooking
#wonderbag #energysavingtip #energysaving #haybox #thermalcooking
For those of you unfamiliar with #Haybox #ThermalCooking and the delightful idea of #Wonderbags.. here is a great blog post about how they work with some examples #EnergySaving #EnergySavingTip
#haybox #thermalcooking #wonderbags #energysaving #energysavingtip
C and I drink a lot of tea. We’ve got one of those five litre Airpots, you know the corporate flask things that you see at middle management meetings.
Fill it up in the morning, stays hot until the evening. No more boiling a kettle and wasting energy reheating water that we don’t use. If you don’t use that much in a day, even filling a 2l flask can make a difference.
Okay m’dearios, another energy saving tip for you all: you don’t need to boil rice on the hob to cook it — just pour boiling water over it and let it stand for ½ - ¾ of an hour. How long depends on the rice: I prefer brown/whole grain, which can take up to an hour.
Once it’s ready, drain off the water and ping it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes (or pour fresh boiling water over it) to heat it back up.
#cooking #howtocookrice #rice #energysavingtip
Added bonus: the exercise involved warms you up splendidly 😊