In these uncertain times, the cost of living crisis has become a harsh reality for many families worldwide, leaving them grappling with challenging decisions about everyday expenses.
#CostOfLivingCrisis #Resilience #Resourcefulness #BudgetRecipes #EnergySavingTips #Budget #CommunitySupport #Solidarity #ThrivingThroughCrisis #FrugalLiving #CookingFromScratch #OnePotMeals #EmpathyInAction #Empathy #Poverty
#Costoflivingcrisis #resilience #resourcefulness #budgetrecipes #energysavingtips #budget #communitysupport #solidarity #thrivingthroughcrisis #frugalliving #cookingfromscratch #onepotmeals #empathyinaction #empathy #poverty
Recently I learned that if you struggle with filling your cat's water dish at the sink and then carrying it, either due to hand/wrist pain or coordination issues (spilling water everywhere on the floor as you carry it), you can just fill a 1 Litre plastic water bottle at the tap, and pour the water from the plastic water bottle into the bowl when the bowl is sitting on the ground.
(You will still need to run the bowl through the dishwasher regularly to clean it.)
#energysavingtips #fatiguetips #spoonie #spoonietips
I keep forgetting to use Hashtags when I keep Posting about my current Big Sewing Project: hand sewing Thermal Lining in to all my Curtains in preparation for the Winter
Pretty sure it will Snow this Winter
I remember the awful Winter of 1976/77 that followed the Heatwave of 1976 in the U.K.
So let me see…
#sewing #HandSewing #ThermalLining #curtains #heating #cold #EnergySavingTips #snow #winter
My Arthritis in my hands is slowing me down a bit but I am determined to finish
#sewing #handsewing #thermallining #curtains #heating #cold #energysavingtips #snow #winter #arthrisis
RT @tweethue
⚡ Energy-saving tip ⚡ Set the mood *and* save energy! Dim your Philips Hue smart bulbs to 70% — this can reduce how much energy they consume by up to 51%. Read more tips from our latest study:
#energysavingtips #waystosave #philipshue