@Old_IT_geek more overreach by Queensland networks and the regulators who appear to be their puppets #auspol #energytransiton #EVs
You can help both Ukrainian hospitals and the energy transition at the same time. A bunch of European NGOs with Ukrainian Ecoclub organized a fundrising, so that the electric energy will be available for those who need it the most.
#ukraine #energytransiton #pv #humanitarianaid
Iron ore, oil and steel giants line up to develop $70bn of green industrial projects in Pilbara
Big names, big dollars and big green plans are coming to WA’s Pilbara region, with seven projects allocated prize industrial land by the state government.
#energytransiton #australia #greenhydrogen #greenammonia #sustainabledevelopment
It's annoying to see my colleague @jritch@twitter.com NOT name-checked in this piece, as it was his original research bit.ly/3GJ1Bo9 that started this whole reconsideration of "BAU" later expanded upon by Pielke et al., but it's good to see the message getting out anyway. Climate doom is NOT "business as usual" anymore and 4°C+ of warming is extremely unlikely now because the #energytransiton is working!