“I acquired the habit of laying my egg and burning myself every five hundred years–and you know how difficult it is to break yourself of a habit.”
- E. Nesbit, The Phoenix and the Carpet
#ENesbit #ThePhoenixAndTheCarpet #Mythology #ChildrensAdventureBooks #ChildrensBooks #ClassicBooks #LiteraryClassics #MoncreiffePress #LiteraryQuotes #BookQuotes #BookCommunity #Bookish #Bookstodon
#enesbit #thephoenixandthecarpet #mythology #childrensadventurebooks #childrensbooks #ClassicBooks #literaryclassics #moncreiffepress #literaryquotes #bookquotes #bookcommunity #bookish #bookstodon
[1991] Five Children and It - BBC adaptation of the E. Nesbit novel. Five children discover a rather grumpy, ugly, and occasionally malevolent Psammead, a sand-fairy with ability to grant wishes. First episode.
#OldBritishTelly #enesbit #Psammead
I've edited an anthology of 30 Christmas ghost stories penned from 1820 to 1929. In paperback & Kindle from all Amazon marketplaces.
Features: #WashingtonIrving #CharlesDickens #MarkLemon #ElizabethGaskell #ENesbit #FitzJamesOBrien #EFBenson #SabineBaringGould #MaryElizabethBraddon, #CharlotteRiddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood & many more
#Christmas #ghost #ghoststories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #andibrooks #fiction #anthology
#washingtonirving #charlesdickens #marklemon #elizabethgaskell #enesbit #fitzjamesobrien #efbenson #sabinebaringgould #maryelizabethbraddon #charlotteriddell #RobertLouisStevenson #algernonblackwood #christmas #ghost #GhostStories #horror #shortstory #ghoststoriesforchristmas #AndiBrooks #fiction #anthology
Been reading a childhood favorite aloud to my partner. So good AND still untroubling, girls can grow up to do anything, prisoners and convicts matter, and little people love spending their time connecting with their community. #enesbit #readingnow
Been reading a childhood favorite aloud to my partner. So good AND still untroubling, girls can grow up to do anything, prisoners and convicts matter, and little people love spending their time connecting with their community. #enesbit #bookstodon #books #ReadingNow #reading #mysteries #childrensbooks #YAbooks
#yabooks #childrensbooks #mysteries #reading #books #bookstodon #readingnow #enesbit
I'll give this a go too.... #bookstodon
Seven favourite authors...
#bookstodon #MonicaDickens #johnlecarre #enesbit #LenDeighton #JohnGalsworthy #AJDevlin #ColinDexter
I could extend my list of favourite authors by listing those deceased authors for whom, if an authenticated "lost manuscript" surfaced, I'd be first in the line to buy:
#janeausten #charlesdickens #DianaWynneJones #enesbit #georgeorwell #dorothylsayers #cliffordsimak #jackvance #booktodon