Finally watched the last two episodes of #willow last night. The series didn't really hit with me, but fantasy isn't really my thing anyway. I mostly watched it for nostalgia, Warwick Davis and #ErinKellyman . But her part wasn't really a lead and didn't give her that much to do. I'd watch a series or movie about #EnfysNest (#starwars / "Solo") or Karli Morgenthau (#thefalconandthewintersoldier / #mcu ) in a heartbeat. #disneyplus
#willow #erinkellyman #enfysnest #starwars #thefalconandthewintersoldier #mcu #disneyplus
Enfys Nest and the Cloud Riders - Solo A Star Wars Story - Concept 2 Screen - Star Wars Card Trader - Topps digital trading card
#starwars #soloastarwarsstory #enfysnest #starwarstradingcards #tradingcards #erinkellyman
#erinkellyman #tradingcards #StarWarsTradingCards #enfysnest #soloastarwarsstory #StarWars
hello there,
i’m a hugh #starwars fan, part of the #vhsgeneration. there is some special love for #TLJ #TheHighRepublic #Solo #EnfysNest #r2d2 #TalesOfTheJedi #ExarKun #LukeSkywalker #Jedi #RalphMcQuarrie (and therefore #StarWarsRebels) #AlphabetSquadron #JarJarBinks #CobbVanth the spaceships from #StarWarsResistance and #EleodieMaracavanya . My biggest »want to read« is #KarisNemik ‘s manifesto. I’m looking for people who love #starwars and enjoy it, people who can see the good in everything.
#starwars #vhsgeneration #tlj #TheHighRepublic #solo #enfysnest #r2d2 #TalesoftheJedi #exarkun #lukeskywalker #jedi #ralphmcquarrie #starwarsrebels #alphabetsquadron #jarjarbinks #cobbvanth #starwarsresistance #eleodiemaracavanya #karisnemik