Scott Matter · @scottmatter
636 followers · 778 posts · Server

Fundamentally, (a critical) anthropology asks:
- how is it that humans have developed the institutions, worldviews, beliefs, behaviours we see today (and have seen historically)?
- how is it that humans have seemingly transcended the limits of pure biological capability, and radically transformed the world around us?
- what are the implications - positive and negative - of humanity's cultural, social, technological development, for individuals, communities, the human species, and the biosphere?
- how might we re-engage with the world around us and re-establish a balance that optimises for life at a planetary scale, the supports both well-being for individuals, communities, humanity, and the planet?

#criticalanthropology #engagedanthropology #PoliticalEcology #futures

Last updated 2 years ago

T. O. · @tomolefe
28 followers · 7 posts · Server

This feels like the first day of school.

Hello! T. O. is the name.

I'm a writer (of things). My peers procrastinate by cleaning or finally fixing that leaking tap. Me? I fell into a rabbit hole because the economics of writing—like everything under capitalism—made no sense. I'm working to cocoon myself in through and . At present, I'm in the Atlantic Fellows for Social and Economic Equity programme at the LSE.


#econresearch #communaleconomics #decoloniality #engagedanthropology #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Matter · @scottmatter
316 followers · 88 posts · Server

An overdue 👋 (thanks for the prompt when I switched instances @aussocialadmin )

My name is Scott and I live in Sydney (on Wangal Country in the Inner West). My pronouns are he / him.

I was born and raised in Canada (Alberta, even), and have lived in some great places around the world (Montreal, NYC, Vermont, rural Kenya). Being a Canadian man of a certain age, yes, I play hockey. Even in Australia.

I've been very (not extremely) online since the 90s. First it was, then, then the Big Tech Socials.

I strive to behave with compassion and to be more kind than nice. But I also shitpost from time to time because internet.

I'm interested in lots of things and barely maintain a blurred boundary between personal and professional. See hashtags below or on my profile for a more specific list, but I think it's generally encompassed by the concept of which I understand as being coined by Thich Nhat Hanh and drawn from Vietnamese and older Buddhist concepts.

Hashtags ftw:

#introduction #Interbeing #anthropology #anarchism #buddhism #collaboration #collectiveimprovisation #complexity #complexsystems #conviviality #culture #decolonisation #design #designresearch #engagedanthropology #engagedbuddhism #engageddesign #ethnography #foresight #futures #hockey #improvisation #justtransition #music #pluriverse #PoliticalEcology #protopia #servicedesign #strategicdesign #systemstheory #systemsthinking #speculativeeverything

Last updated 2 years ago