#Indian or #SouthAsian #marriages or #engagements are incomplete without some little grudges, quarrels, or indifferences among some or other members.
#indian #southasian #marriages #engagements
Millie Bobby Brown to Permanently Enter the House of Bon Jovi #2023_04_11 #vulture #jason_p_frank #millie_bobby_brown #jake_bongiovi #engagements #celebrity #news #stranger_things #id_marry_you_with_diamond_rings
#2023_04_11 #vulture #jason_p_frank #millie_bobby_brown #jake_bongiovi #engagements #celebrity #news #stranger_things #id_marry_you_with_diamond_rings
Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro Confirm That They Are Engaged #2023_03_24 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #rosalia #rauw_alejandro #engagements #music #celebrity #beso #music_videos
#2023_03_24 #vulture #jennifer_zhan #rosalia #rauw_alejandro #engagements #music #celebrity #beso #music_videos
#mastodon I dunno, maybe I'm on the wrong server! How to increase #engagements ?
Bob Iger’s First Order of Business: Get Rebel Wilson Married #2023_02_22 #vulture #rebecca_alter #rebel_wilson #engagements #news #disney_parks #disney_adults #disneyland #bob_iger
#2023_02_22 #vulture #rebecca_alter #rebel_wilson #engagements #news #disney_parks #disney_adults #disneyland #bob_iger
The people who run over here whenever #Twitter has an issue only to jump right back when the smoke clears are going to end up with fewer and fewer #engagements the more they repeat that routine.
What I have discovered about #Mastodon is it is entirely about conversing. Over on the #birdsite these people would just label folks who embraced commenting on public posts as "reply guys"... as if there was something wrong with daring to intrude on their timelines.
Over here I've realized we're all basically #replyguys and that's how it functions. This place is like an old school #BBS or forum and those were entirely based on chatting it up with anyone who said anything that remotely interested you.
So these #snowbirds who rush over here, post a few things, then disappear again are going to see dwindling numbers for their backup account.
Why would people here continue to waste time on folks who have made it clear they don't want to see your responses and -- even if they do -- are going to fart right off as soon as they can log back into the #algorithm?
After the last #TwitterOutage (the #RateLimit evening) I immediately flagged several accounts from there that had created something here and realized they were like the relative who only shows up when they need money.
Except it isn't $$$ for them, it's those sweet #notifications they want the #Fediverse to supply whole their regular hangout is being fumigated.
On the other hand, for every #ElonMusk ego-fart we do end up with some new people who embrace the difference. So not everyone who races to their password vault for their #instance's credentials is poorly-dressed Uncle Larry.
Anyway it's almost #caturday stateside so here's something for sticking around for this late night #ZZZQuil brain dump. Our big, doofy boy:
#twitter #engagements #mastodon #birdsite #replyguys #bbs #Snowbirds #algorithm #twitteroutage #ratelimit #notifications #fediverse #elonmusk #instance #caturday #zzzquil
Eine spannende Nachfrage, deswegen eine Ergänzung:
Das Zusammentragen des #Engagements auf #Mastodon hab ich nur umständlich hinbekommen. IFTTT schickt die Links der Beiträge aus dem RSS-Feed des Mastodon-Accounts in eine Google-Tabelle. Regelmäßig werfe ich die URL-Liste dann in #Octoparse, da werden dann einzeln die Zahl der Boosts und Favs pro Beitrag ausgelesen. Das landet in einer Liste, die ich mit den Daten aus unseren Analytics zusammenführe.
#engagements #mastodon #octoparse
also please stick around this time, folks
#twitter is an addiction and the #engagements probably drive a lot of you back there over and over
but in the end it's a nazi bar and you are willingly patronizing it.
a lot of the #bots have migrated already or are in the stages of doing so.
also follow @dgar. he's pretty mandatory.
and if you miss #dril? @DrilTracy has your fill #CheapPlug
#twitter #engagements #bots #dril #cheapplug #twittermigration #twitterdown
Vous aussi, engagez-vous à nos côtés pour donner du sens à votre métier. En distribuant des prospectus ??
So I sorta skilled this - but now its time! #introduction #introductions I'm Brandon from #milwaukee (East #wauwatosa specifically) #wisconsin #usa - I'm a #photographer and #creative who primarily 📸 #weddings #engagements #lovestories #architecture and #headshots. I am into #running, #fantasybooks, #vinylrecords, #filmphotography, #movies, #apple, the #chicagobears, #mountains, or #ttoodle, and more.
#introduction #introductions #milwaukee #wauwatosa #wisconsin #usa #photographer #creative #weddings #engagements #lovestories #architecture #headshots #running #fantasybooks #vinylrecords #filmphotography #movies #apple #chicagobears #mountains #ttoodle
So I sorta skipped this - but now its time! #introduction #introductions I'm Brandon from #milwaukee (East #wauwatosa specifically) #wisconsin #usa - I'm a #photographer and #creative who primarily 📸 #weddings #engagements #lovestories #architecture and #headshots. I am into #running, #reading, #fantasybooks, #vegetarian cooking, #vinylrecords, #filmphotography, #movies, #apple, #nikon, the #chicagobears, #mountains, our #ttoodle, and other things...
#reading #nikon #vegetarian #introduction #introductions #milwaukee #wauwatosa #wisconsin #usa #photographer #creative #weddings #engagements #lovestories #architecture #headshots #running #fantasybooks #vinylrecords #filmphotography #movies #apple #chicagobears #mountains #ttoodle
Wenn wir wollen, dass #Eigentum und #Betrieb von #Infrastrukturen in die Hände der #Wissenschaft gehören, müssen wir uns mehr mit Vergabe- und Vertragsrecht, mit Softwarelizenzen, der nachhaltigen Finanzierung von Infrastrukturen und der Anerkennung des #Engagements in Infrastrukturen wissenschaftlichen Publizierens für akademische Karrieren beschäftigen! 💪💯
Dellmann et. al. (2022). Facetten eines Missverständnisses, o-bib 9:3: https://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/5849
#Eigentum #betrieb #infrastrukturen #wissenschaft #engagements
After a few years of following your invaluable input, I have to ask whether you've participated in the https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fep community which addresses these very issues?
If not, then why not?
If so, what have been your personally most significant contributions to this #DeSoc and #legacy_silo_averting free namespsce?
Kindest regards,
#tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #FEP #lemmur #Spritely #ActivityPub #ActivityStreams #extending #extensions #engagements
#desoc #legacy_silo_averting #tallship #foss #fediverse #fep #lemmur #spritely #activitypub #activitystreams #extending #extensions #engagements
RT @JamaisSansElles@twitter.com
.@IFParis@twitter.com est l'acteur essentiel de la politique culturelle extérieure de la #France, sa présidente @evanguyenbinh@twitter.com et son comité de direction signent la charte #JamaisSansElles pour la mise en place d'actions et d'une coopération durable avec notre association.
#Engagements ⤵️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JamaisSansElles/status/1597208196673781761
#engagements #jamaissanselles #france
Bienvenue à l'ami @olivier_cnje@twitter.com avec lequel nous avons collaboré pendant une année pour concevoir la charte et le partenariat entre #JamaisSansElles et la @CNJE@twitter.com. #JuniorsEntreprises #Étudiant #Engagements #RSE
#rse #engagements #etudiant #juniorsentreprises #jamaissanselles
Abbi Jacobson and Jodi Balfour are reportedly engaged #abbijacobson #celebrityengagements #engagements #6agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlc2l4LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA4LzA1L2FiYmktamFjb2Jzb24tYW5kLWpvZGktYmFsZm91ci1hcmUtcmVwb3J0ZWRseS1lbmdhZ2VkLw==
#6agosto #engagements #celebrityengagements #abbijacobson
Pas touche à nos #jachères !
Le nouveau #gouvernement renie ses #engagements pour la #biodiversité le jour même où il reçoit les grandes #ONG
#ong #biodiversité #engagements #gouvernement #jachères
RT by @wwwcdorg: 🌿 𝗙𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗴é🌿
Petit récap de nos #engagements durables, liés aux problématiques environnementales, économiques, managériales et sociales.
#drasticonplastic #zerodechet #ecologie #festival http://nitter.fdn.fr/legrandsoufflet/status/1534197998095319040#m
#festival #ecologie #zerodechet #drasticonplastic #𝘂𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗿𝗲 #engagements
Margaret Qualley confirms Jack Antonoff engagement with PDA pics #celebritycouples #celebrityengagements #celebrityrelationships #engagementrings #engagements #jackantonoff #margaretqualley #31maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9wYWdlc2l4LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA1LzMxL21hcmdhcmV0LXF1YWxsZXktY29uZmlybXMtamFjay1hbnRvbm9mZi1lbmdhZ2VtZW50LXdpdGgtcGRhLXBpY3Mv
#31maggio #margaretqualley #JackAntonoff #engagements #engagementrings #celebrityrelationships #celebrityengagements #celebritycouples