Fatboy Slim has thrown his hat into the VR performance ring. What happens from here?
Featuring a major timeline of music in almost every platform you know, and how it connects together.
Metaculture Music Round-Up: Mature Sensibility https://www.themetaculture.co/metaculture-music-round-up-mature-sensibility/ #vr #music #edm #recroom #horizonworlds #engagevr #history
#history #engagevr #HorizonWorlds #recroom #edm #music #vr
Interesting, Engage VR platform are pivoting to hosting immersive concerts?
#vr #engagevr #fatboyslim #immersive #rave
@Nobbyaushb @HansBrender @schnella @rakoellner @thomyg @andreasessing Tag war komplett zu Hause verbracht, kein Schrott vor vereiste Tür. Heute Abend sehr begeistert im #EngageVR Metaverse verbracht