On to a bit of #EngineeringGeology and #GeotechnicalEngineering, the erosion is a serious problem for any structures built on or near the coast and there is a mainline railway track on the route to London which runs along it on this stretch. #NetworkRail is busy trying to stabilize and strengthen the cliffs using #RockAnchor, #RockBolts and #meshing to retard the process. Here you can see workers #abseiling as part of their work.
#engineeringgeology #geotechnicalengineering #networkrail #rockanchor #rockbolts #meshing #abseiling #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #summer #devon
Mountains Are Collapsing - A Swiss Mountain Peak Fell Apart, Sending 3.5 Million Cubic Feet Of Rock Into The Valley Below - Scientists Warn Climate Change Could Make More Mountains Crumble.
https://www.businessinsider.com/mountains-switzerland-collapsing-from-permafrost-melt-2023-8 <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #EuropeanAlps #europe #SouthernAlps #newzealand #andes #peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #IPCC #naturalhazard #geologichazards
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #prediction #geology #engineeringgeology #massmovement #global #landslide #debrisflow #mudslide #mountain #cryosphere #glacier #snow #ice #permafrost #water #hydrology #rockfall #europeanalps #Europe #southernalps #newzealand #Peru #indigeneous #firstnation #risk #hazard #publicsafety #climate #melting #snowandicemanagement #climatechange #landforms #change #geomorphology #globalwarming #ipcc #naturalhazard #geologichazards #andes
AGU23 Session Submittal Requests - Flash Floods and Debris Flows After Wildfire - Process Understanding to Hazard Assessment
https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm23/prelim.cgi/Session/186554 <-- make submittal
“Do you work in postfire hazards? Consider presenting in our AGU 2023 session, "Flash Floods and Debris Flows after Wildfire." The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, August 2nd!..” ~ Matthew A. Thomas, USGS
#GIS #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #AGU23 #conference #paper #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #naturalhazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #assessment #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #process #processes #AGU #AGU23
#conference #paper #gis #spatial #mapping #callforsubmissions #research #results #AGU #agu23 #submittals #floods #massmovement #engineeringgeology #flashflood #flooding #debrisflow #NaturalHazards #riskhazard #risk #hazard #postfire #wildfire #bushfire #forestfire #fire #climatechange #extremeweather #urban #urbancorridors #mitigation #water #hydrology #model #modeling #geomorphology #meteorology #weather #rainfall #precipitation #publicsafety #monitoring #forecasting #gischat #remotesensing #assessment #process #processes
The Best And Worst Case Scenarios For Sea Level Rise
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/26/its-absolutely-guaranteed-the-best-and-worst-case-scenarios-for-sea-level-rise <-- shared media article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #SLR #india #london #china #mumbai #bangladesh #NYC #newyork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #hydrology #water #hydrospatial #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #global #sealevel #sealevelrise #slr #india #london #China #mumbai #Bangladesh #nyc #NewYork #newyorkcity #cities #megacities #impacts #coast #coastal #flood #flooding #stormsurge #infrastructure #climatechange #extremeweather #erosion #deposition #sedimentation #salinity #groundwater #groundwaterintrusion #groundwatersalinity #subsidence #precipitation #rainfall #storms #geology #engineeringgeology #naturalhazard #cyclone #hurricanes #economic #economy #mitigation #costs #publicsafety #publichealth #coastalresilience #coastalcommunities #coastalengineering #coastline #coastalprotection #future #change
Future Impacts Of Climate-Induced Compound Disasters On Volcano Hazard Assessment
https://doi.org/10.1007/s00445-022-01542-y <-- shared paper
[Understanding how volcano activity may change over time is particularly important as climate change continues to have direct and indirect effects on how volcanoes behave.]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #naturalhazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturaldisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #planning #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
#gis #spatial #mapping #climatechange #change #management #future #events #planning #monitoring #engineeringgeology #riskhazard #risk #hazard #geologichazards #NaturalHazards #spatialanalysis #volcano #vulcanism #volcanichazard #naturalDisaster #model #modeling #mitigation #preparedness #cpmpoundhazards #socialscience #humanimpact #impacts #economics #publicsafety
The Weight Of New York City - Possible Contributions To Subsidence From Anthropogenic Sources
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022EF003465 <-- shared paper
https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/new-york-city-is-sinking-under-its-own-weight/ <-- shared article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #modeling #geology #engineeringgeology #nyc #nycconstruction #newyorkcity #newyork #climatechange #construction #building #skyscrapers #weight #loading #subsidence #foundations #coast #coastline #impacts #SLR #sealevelrise #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #coast #urban #urbanplanning #future #USA #coastalcommunities #coastalcities #engineering #construction #design #climateadaptation #anthropogenic #people #data #environment #model
#gis #spatial #mapping #modeling #geology #engineeringgeology #nyc #nycconstruction #newyorkcity #NewYork #climatechange #construction #building #skyscrapers #weight #loading #subsidence #foundations #coast #coastline #impacts #slr #sealevelrise #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #urban #urbanplanning #future #USA #coastalcommunities #coastalcities #engineering #Design #climateadaptation #anthropogenic #people #data #Environment #model
Land Around The U.S. [And Beyond] Is Sinking; Here Are Some Of The Fastest Areas
https://www.washingtonpost.com/climate-environment/2023/05/30/land-sinking-us-subsidence-sea-level/ <-- shared media article
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00947-z <-- shared paper
https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098477 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #INSAR #radar #survey #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #coast #coastalengineering #coastal #urbanplanning #climatechange #future #sustainable #accounting #economics #cost #impacts #sealevelrise #SLR #RSLR #engineeringgeology #shoreline #RLSS #urbanareas #cities #global #vulnerability #urbanplanning #coastalcommunities
#gis #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #InSAR #radar #survey #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #coast #coastalengineering #coastal #urbanplanning #climatechange #future #sustainable #accounting #economics #cost #impacts #sealevelrise #slr #rslr #engineeringgeology #shoreline #rlss #urbanareas #cities #global #vulnerability #coastalcommunities
New Modelling Of West Coast Coastal Inundation Has Immediate Implications [New Zealand]
https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/ldr/488720/new-modelling-of-west-coast-coastal-inundation-has-immediate-implications <-- shared article
https://ttpp.nz/ <-- Proposed Te Tai o Poutini Plan
#GIS #spatial #mapping #newzealand #westcoast #plan #model #modeling #remotesensing #LiDAR #innundation #coastalcommunities #coastal #coast #zoning #flood #flooding #planning #mitigation #risk #hazard #naturalhazard #geology #engineeringgeology #disasterriskreduction #naturalhazards #tsunami #regional #earthquake
#gis #spatial #mapping #newzealand #westcoast #plan #model #modeling #remotesensing #lidar #innundation #coastalcommunities #coastal #coast #zoning #flood #flooding #planning #mitigation #risk #hazard #naturalhazard #geology #engineeringgeology #DisasterRiskReduction #NaturalHazards #tsunami #regional #earthquake
2023 California Landslide Response
https://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/pages/landslides/landslides-2023.aspx <-- shared web site
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #gischat #remotesensing #CA #california #risk #hazard #deepseated #landslides #massmovement #engineeringgeology #geomoprhology #geology #water #rainfall #extremeweather #precipitation #atmosphericriver #paleolandslides #hydrology #erosion #scarp #slumping #infrastructure #publicsafety #housing
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #gischat #remotesensing #ca #California #risk #hazard #deepseated #landslides #massmovement #engineeringgeology #geomoprhology #geology #water #rainfall #extremeweather #precipitation #atmosphericriver #paleolandslides #hydrology #erosion #scarp #slumping #infrastructure #publicsafety #housing
Multimodal Multiscale Characterization Of Cascading Hazard On Mountain Terrain [Nepal]
https://doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2022.2162443 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
#gis #spatial #mapping #Nepal #pluvial #precipitation #rain #snow #mountain #terrain #water #hydrology #sediment #risk #hazard #himalayas #hazardmitigation #riskmanagement #floods #flooding #massmovement #landslides #geomorphology #engineeringgeology #debrisflows #erosion #economy #infrastructure #publicsafety #model #modeling #prediction #engineering #solutions #hydroclimate
Drones To The Rescue In Melamchi [Nepal, 2021]
https://www.nepalitimes.com/banner/drones-to-the-rescue-in-melamchi/ <-- news article
https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/5df39824b5604c80be8dfc429be93cfa <-- story map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #surveillance #drone #drones #UAV #UAVs #aerial #water #hydrology #flood #flooding #monsoon #Melamchi #Nepal #disastermanagement #disasterresponse #survey #assessment #engineeringgeology #engineering #massmovement #landslides #erosion #infrastructure #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #surveillance #drone #drones #uav #uavs #aerial #water #hydrology #flood #flooding #monsoon #Melamchi #Nepal #DisasterManagement #disasterresponse #survey #assessment #engineeringgeology #engineering #massmovement #landslides #erosion #infrastructure #gischat
[Global] Volcanic Hazard Maps – IAVCEI Commission On Volcanic Hazards Ad Risks
https://volcanichazardmaps.org/ <-- entry point web page
https://volcanichazardmaps.org/volcano-map/ <-- interactive map
#GIS #spatial #mapping #volcano #volcanic #design #community #research #database #IAVCEI #global #map #hazard #hazards #risk #riskassessment #geology #geologichazard #naturalhazard #hazardmap #engineeringgeology #riskassessment #CVHR #NewZealand #ringoffire #dataset #entrypoint #portal #gischat #IAVCEI
#gis #spatial #mapping #volcano #volcanic #Design #community #research #database #iavcei #global #map #hazard #hazards #risk #riskassessment #geology #geologichazard #naturalhazard #hazardmap #engineeringgeology #cvhr #newzealand #ringoffire #dataset #entrypoint #portal #gischat
Too High & Too Steep – Reshaping Seattle’s Topography
https://uwapress.uw.edu/book/9780295995045/too-high-and-too-steep/ <-- link to UW Press
As a (licensed) engineering geologist that worked in Seattle / Puget Sound area for around a decade, I grabbed a copy of this when I saw it (along with the wonderful inscription from Louis to his Aunt and Uncle and the pencilled marginalia from the Aunt or Uncles as they read); the hardcover was 100% my choice for the read-feel and to ensure the maximum levels of maps and historic photos…
#Seattle #maps #geology #engineeringgeology #engineering #DennyRegrade #pugetsound #washingtonstate #topography #readingforpleasure #history #historic #urban #urbanplanning #urbandesign #madeland #reclamation #coastal #ports #harbour #industrial #railinfrastructure #secondhand #hardcover
#Seattle #Maps #geology #engineeringgeology #engineering #dennyregrade #pugetsound #WashingtonState #topography #readingforpleasure #history #historic #urban #urbanplanning #urbandesign #madeland #reclamation #coastal #ports #harbour #industrial #railinfrastructure #secondhand #hardcover
The Copernicus Emergency Management Service Assesses The Damage Caused By The Earthquake In Türkiye
https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/node/155224 <-- @ESA bulletin
https://emergency.copernicus.eu/mapping/list-of-components/EMSR648 <-- ESA open data
#GIS #spatial #mapping #disasterresponse #disastermanagement #opendata #remotesensing #satellite #emergencymanagementservice #EMS #Copernicus #sentential #earthquake #Turkey #Syria #syriaearthquake #turkeyearthquake #naturalhazard #engineeringgeology #survey #assessment #CEMS #emergencymanagement #data #people #publicsafety
#ESA #CopernicusEMS
#gis #spatial #mapping #disasterresponse #DisasterManagement #opendata #remotesensing #satellite #emergencymanagementservice #ems #Copernicus #sentential #earthquake #turkey #Syria #syriaearthquake #turkeyearthquake #naturalhazard #engineeringgeology #survey #assessment #cems #emergencymanagement #data #people #publicsafety #Esa #copernicusems
A Cost-Effective Solution To Beach Erosion
https://dredgewire.com/a-cost-effective-solution-to-beach-erosion/ <-- shared article
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2022.06.004 <-- shared paper
#dredging #beach #erosion #coastal #climatechange #marine #water #shoreline #protection #dredge #engineeringgeology #design #management #transport #sediment #sedimentation #CobbleBell #migration #catchment #longshoredrift #construction #solution #monitoring #landscape
#dredging #beach #erosion #coastal #climatechange #marine #water #shoreline #protection #dredge #engineeringgeology #Design #management #transport #sediment #sedimentation #cobblebell #migration #catchment #longshoredrift #construction #solution #monitoring #landscape
Visualising Avalanches In The Himalayas
https://www.rgs.org/geography/geovisualisation/chamoli-avalanches/ <-- shared article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #modeling #naturalenvironment #massmovement #landslide #visualisation # Himalayas #india #engineeringgeology #remotesensing #elevation #geology #risk #hazard #naturaldisaster #avalanche #Chamoli #satellite #imagery #snow #ice #debrisflow #rock #publicsafety #infrastructure #geovisualisation #prediction #monitoring #planning #event #events #data
#gis #spatial #mapping #modeling #naturalenvironment #massmovement #landslide #visualisation #india #engineeringgeology #remotesensing #elevation #geology #risk #hazard #naturalDisaster #avalanche #chamoli #satellite #imagery #snow #ice #debrisflow #rock #publicsafety #infrastructure #geovisualisation #prediction #monitoring #planning #event #events #data
Combination Of Aerial, Satellite, And UAV Photogrammetry For Quantifying Rock Glacier Kinematics In The Dry Andes Of Chile (30°S) Since The 1950s
https://doi.org/10.3389/frsen.2021.784015 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #monitoring #remotesensing #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #Andes #Tapado #Chile #aerial #satellite #UAV #imagery #survey #kinematics #DryAndes #velocity #Ice #debris #landform #geomorphology #glacier #rockglacier #downwasting #erosion #geology #massmovement #engineeringgeology #glacial #periglacial #research #photogrammetry
#gis #spatial #mapping #monitoring #remotesensing #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #andes #tapado #chile #aerial #satellite #uav #imagery #survey #kinematics #dryandes #velocity #ice #debris #landform #geomorphology #glacier #rockglacier #downwasting #erosion #geology #massmovement #engineeringgeology #glacial #periglacial #research #photogrammetry
Quantifying The Spatiotemporal Pattern Of Urban Expansion And Hazard And Risk Area Identification In The Kaski District Of Nepal
https://doi.org/10.3390/land7010037 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #landuse #landcover #Nepal #Pokhara #remotesensing #urbanisation #LULC #Landsat #imagery #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #hazard #multihazard #risk #geology #engineeringgeology #urban #urbanization #development #future #sustainable #transformation #expansion
#gis #spatial #mapping #landuse #landcover #Nepal #pokhara #remotesensing #urbanisation #lulc #landsat #imagery #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #hazard #multihazard #risk #geology #engineeringgeology #urban #Urbanization #development #future #sustainable #transformation #expansion