Creating a new #introduction, since life changes. For 12 years I was a #SoftwareEngineer at Google, working predominantly on #EngineeringProductivity. Now I’m at smaller startup doing smaller-startup things. My Ph.D. is in #SoftwareVerification.
I stopped really posting on Twitter eight years before moving to Mastodon, so I’m a little rusty and tend to fall out of it from time to time.
I continue to forecast that my posts will soon be all #beagle, all the time.
#introduction #softwareengineer #engineeringproductivity #softwareverification #beagle
Results of a survey of high-functioning engineering organizations (by Aditya Agarwal / Anantha Kancherla / Mike Abbott): companies are building teams with more full-stack engineers & leveraging offshore resources
#engineeringproductivity #remoteworking
#remoteworking #engineeringproductivity