RT @artistgrimshaw@twitter.com
A moonlit lane, 1874 #atkinsongrimshaw #englishart https://www.wikiart.org/en/john-atkinson-grimshaw/a-moonlit-lane-1874
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/artistgrimshaw/status/1642170629431459841
The Blessed Damozel, 1878 #englishart #dantegabrielrossetti
#dantegabrielrossetti #englishart
โThe Islandโ by Rye artist Andrew Viner - from newly painted in his studio to installation. One of my favourite paintings by a truly inspirational artist.
#andrewviner #contemporaryart #sussexartists #englishart #mccullyandcrane
#andrewviner #contemporaryart #sussexartists #englishart #mccullyandcrane
Norham Castle painted here at Sunrise by J M W Turner, sits on the English side of the River Tweed. This painting of it was found in Turnerโs studio after his death. Since Impressionism such pieces are now familiar to us but contemporaries of Turner, thought he had lost his reason and believed this to be nonsense. With hindsight it offers insight into his artistic development.
RT @artistturner@twitter.com
The Burning of the Houses of Parliament, 1835 #turner #englishart https://www.wikiart.org/en/william-turner/the-burning-of-the-houses-of-parliament-3
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/artistturner/status/1604641441451544576
This was in my TL today. One of my favorite artists.
RT @artisthogarth
The Bench, 1758 #hogarth #englishart https://www.wikiart.org/en/william-hogarth/the-bench
RT @artistgrimshaw@twitter.com
Moonlight After Rain #englishart #atkinsongrimshaw https://www.wikiart.org/en/john-atkinson-grimshaw/moonlight-after-rain
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/artistgrimshaw/status/1596662244670115843
A new post on Jo's Instagram:
#mastodaoine #mastoart #mastoFleaArts #mastoFleaCrafts
#illustration #winter #Folklore #FolkloreThursday #Celtic #IrishArt #EnglishArt
Any boosts are greatly appreciated!
Hopefully Jo will be on here this weekend - and we hope to have the website live too.
#mastodaoine #mastoart #mastofleaarts #mastofleacrafts #illustration #winter #folklore #folklorethursday #celtic #irishart #englishart
Here's one of my favourite pieces by Jo. It's a long-eared owl - made with needle and thread.
#Owl #IrishArt #Fabric #Needlework #EnglishArt #NatureArt #Embroidery
#mastoFlea #mastoFleaArts #mastoFleaCrafts
More of Jo's work is here:
A boost would be greatly appreciated!
#owl #irishart #fabric #needlework #englishart #natureart #embroidery #mastoflea #mastofleaarts #mastofleacrafts
RT @artistturner@twitter.com
Longship Lighthouse, Lands End, 1835 #englishart #turner https://www.wikiart.org/en/william-turner/longship-lighthouse-lands-end
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/artistturner/status/1591221446088368128
RT @artist_rossetti
The wedding of Saint George and Princess Sabra, 1857 #englishart #rossetti
RT @artistgrimshaw
Tree Shadows on the Park Wall, Roundhay Park, Leeds #englishart #romanticism