#Brexit allowed the likes of #Patel and #Baverman to say the xenophobic cr*p out loud.
They believe they are allow for say it because of #Englishexceptionalism.
It is good that it is out in the open. At least, they can't pretend to be decent human beings anymore.
#brexit #patel #baverman #englishexceptionalism
You know things aren't going well in Brexitannia, when your breakfast is the only thing you can summon up any pride in 😂🤣
#Brexit #englishexceptionalism
#englishexceptionalism #brexit
A better example of #bigotry, #paternalism & #Englishexceptionalism (ignoring all the other countries which have demedicalised #legalgenderrecognition without the ”problems” cited, the Scottish parliament couldn’t possibly know better) would indeed be harder to find. She truly IS a Tory!
#bigotry #paternalism #englishexceptionalism #LegalGenderRecognition
@yrieithydd @thechurchmouse @SuneAuken @davidallengreen
...2) #Scottish #Indy: #Brexit: leaving #Scotland's largest trade market, dislike of the minority vote that controls #England's politics, dislike of #EnglishExceptionalism, hope for a more liberal, open and European future, etc. Dislike of misinformation + xenophobia etc...
#scottish #indy #brexit #scotland #england #englishexceptionalism