First day of HS classes tomorrow. I'm still trying to get records from previous schools!! Have a few students who I'm not sure if they are #EMEB / #EnglishLearners or not. ("Not" meaning they already placed out of services - they are definitely at least [emergent] bilingual.)
So, looking forward to talking with them tomorrow.
Productive and educational (no pun intended) week. Completed a lot of prep for the new #k12 school year. Have more new (to our school) #EnglishLearners than I expected, so that's great news.
As always, looking forward to #AdultESL this weekend. Prepping for that now, then going to play some old-school #Quake3.
#k12 #englishlearners #adultesl #quake3 #esol #esl
Beginning of the school year. So, open houses (so 12+ hour work days) at two schools this week, another next week, and another the week after. #k12 start of the year is so much fun.
Good news is that we have lots of new #EnglishLearners at the schools this year, so I will have a lot of great students to work with.
#k12 #englishlearners #esol #esl
本当にTOEIC935点以上取る気ある? @tkt058より
#英語 #薬剤師 #英語学習 #英語勉強 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語垢 #外国語 #English #englishlearners #TOEIC #language #Languages #LanguageLearning #LanguageRevitalization #englishhome
#englishhome #languagerevitalization #languagelearning #languages #language #toeic #englishlearners #english #外国語 #英語垢 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語勉強 #英語学習 #薬剤師 #英語
本当にTOEIC935点以上取る気ある? @tkt058より
#英語 #薬剤師 #英語学習 #英語勉強 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語垢 #外国語 #English #englishlearners #TOEIC #language #Languages #LanguageLearning #LanguageRevitalization #englishhome
#englishhome #languagerevitalization #languagelearning #languages #language #toeic #englishlearners #english #外国語 #英語垢 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語勉強 #英語学習 #薬剤師 #英語
Got lots done today on prep for my presentation / workshop at #GTechSummit23. Presentation slides (LaTeX Beamer, ofc), Google Forms in several languages, docs to translate, html pages of links, as well as QR codes. So, productive day.
Also have to present about #ESOL and supporting #EnglishLearners to new staff at #K12 school tomorrow, so, oops, should probably prepare for that too.
#gtechsummit23 #esol #englishlearners #k12
I'm presenting at the #GTechSummit23 next week (August 8). My topic is "Technology to Support English Learners & Multilingual Families".
I'll cover federal #k12 requirements, translation sites, general document and video accessibility (for ML families and others), and general best practices for supporting #EnglishLearners in the classroom (including "don't translate *everything*").
Thoughts or ideas? I'm assuming most are aware of a lot, but maybe not in deep detail.
#gtechsummit23 #k12 #englishlearners
英文ツイート、英文記事―81(The English tweeting and the English article-81) @tkt058より
#Gintama #銀魂 #銀魂は永久に不潔です #銀魂完結4周年 #近藤勲 #土方十四郎 #KondoIsao #HijikataToshiro #comic #comics #英語学習 #英語 #英語垢 #英語勉強 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #English #englishlearners #EnglishLearning #languagelearning #Languages
#languages #languagelearning #englishlearning #englishlearners #english #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語勉強 #英語垢 #英語 #英語学習 #comics #comic #hijikatatoshiro #kondoisao #土方十四郎 #近藤勲 #銀魂完結4周年 #銀魂は永久に不潔です #銀魂 #gintama
英文ツイート、英文記事―81(The English tweeting and the English article-81) @tkt058より
#Gintama #銀魂 #銀魂は永久に不潔です #銀魂完結4周年 #近藤勲 #土方十四郎 #KondoIsao #HijikataToshiro #comic #comics #英語学習 #英語 #英語垢 #英語勉強 #英語学習者と繋がりたい #English #englishlearners #EnglishLearning #languagelearning #Languages
#languages #languagelearning #englishlearning #englishlearners #english #英語学習者と繋がりたい #英語勉強 #英語垢 #英語 #英語学習 #comics #comic #hijikatatoshiro #kondoisao #土方十四郎 #近藤勲 #銀魂完結4周年 #銀魂は永久に不潔です #銀魂 #gintama
There should be more programs to help USA #k12 #teachers experience living in another language and culture. Not only would many have a much better idea of what #EnglishLearners experience, but the teachers would also hopefully be better able to explain the importance of knowing / respecting more languages and cultures to the monolingual, monocultural students.
I can dream, right?
#k12 #teachers #englishlearners #esol #esl #tesol
Just remembered: I submitted an editorial to #EdWeek two weeks ago tomorrow. If I don't hear anything from them by end of day tomorrow, I'll post the article on my own site.
It basically says that white mono-lingual teachers should try living in a different language and culture to help them understand what many English Learners are going through.
Practical? Not especially.
Needed? Yes.
#edweek #esol #esl #englishlearners
We used to have an exception for #EnglishLearners who benefited from Google Translate in the classroom. Now, everyone has a chromebook, so less of an issue.
I'm currently working on helping content teachers NOT just Google Translate everything for the students.
I am an #ESOL teacher. I support #EnglishLearners in k-12. I've been in #EFL and #ESL education for ... wow ... over 25 years.
Online schooling from March 2020 through about April 2021 was the worst, most stressful, time in my professional life.
We had to do it, and I had great colleagues and admins. It could have been much worse. But, still, that was a very bad, most horrible year professionally.
#esol #englishlearners #efl #esl
Getting started updating my website. I mostly make available #CreativeCommons licensed readings for #k12 #ESOL and #EMEB studnets / #ELs / #EnglishLearners and some other #OER resources for teachers.
Soooo many #EdTech sites have readings, some at various levels, but in my experience, they don't always consider #ELs specifically, nor do they provide decent formatting.
For example: #PhrasalVerbs and idioms can be difficult for ELs. Vocab in general. Translations are a stopgap, not a solution.
#creativecommons #k12 #esol #emeb #els #englishlearners #oer #edtech #phrasalverbs