Contact Dr. Joseph E. Becker,
or Professor Geraldine Cannon Becker,
for more information about Nature and Environmental Writing at UMFK.
Choose to study Creative Writing with a NEW focus.
American Nature Writing, Fiction Writing, Poetry Writing, Journal Writing,
Imaginative Writing, and Creative Non-Fiction Writing.
Plus, the option to explore a specific genre deeper—in more advanced courses,
such as Fiction Writing II, or Poetry Writing II,
or to select special topics courses—designed with you in mind,
working closely with experienced faculty—who are experts in this field.
Are you wondering what is next for you?
We would love to talk with you
about what is NEW at UMFK.
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#newumfk #umfk #umfkenv #umfkforestry #northwoodsmaine #mainemoose #fortkent #allagashme #englishmaine #stjohnvalleyme