London Bridge: an anonymous 'country dance' from The Dancing Master, 1710.
Alison Kinder: bass #viol
Robin Jeffrey: #baroque #guitar
Image: Claude de Jongh - View of London Bridge, 1632
#london #londonbridge #londonhistory #historyoflondon #recordingartist #recordingsession #video #youtube #baroque #earlymusic #guitar #violadagamba #viol #musicians #englishmusic #countrydance #eighteenthcentury #oldlondonbridge
#viol #baroque #guitar #london #LondonBridge #londonHistory #historyoflondon #recordingartist #recordingsession #Video #youtube #earlymusic #violadagamba #musicians #englishmusic #countrydance #EighteenthCentury #oldlondonbridge #18thcentury #histodon #histodons
T.a.y.l.o.r S.w.i.f.t Best Playlist- Top Songs 2023
#2023music #2023pophits #2023tophits #bestpopsongs #bestsongs #billboardtop50thisweek #englishmusic #englishsongs #flowersmileycyruslyrics #hits2023 #MileyCyrusSongs #music2023 #newsongs #newsongs2023 #pophits #pophits2023 #popmusic #popmusic2023 #popsongs #popsongs2023 #popularsong #popularsongs2023 #songs #tophits2023 #topmusic2023 #topsongs #topsongs2023 #テイラー・スウィフト
#2023music #2023pophits #2023tophits #bestpopsongs #bestsongs #billboardtop50thisweek #englishmusic #englishsongs #flowersmileycyruslyrics #hits2023 #mileycyrussongs #music2023 #newsongs #newsongs2023 #pophits #pophits2023 #popmusic #popmusic2023 #popsongs #popsongs2023 #popularsong #popularsongs2023 #songs #tophits2023 #topmusic2023 #topsongs #topsongs2023 #テイラー・スウィフト
As the great departed Michael Lee Aday said, "Two outta three ain't bad" - I am not one for piety.
This is a really great record! This could be my favorite pre-19th century period of traditional English song.
#NowPlaying #vinyl #EnglishMusic
#nowplaying #vinyl #englishmusic
Jenny Pluck Pears: an anonymous 17th Century 'country dance'.
From The English Dancing Master, John Playford, 1651
Eleanor Cramer: bass #viol
Christopher Goodwin: #renaissance #guitar
Alison Kinder: #recorder
Tamsin Lewis: renaissance violin
#17thCentury #17thCenturyHistory #17thCenturyMusic #JohnPlayford #seventeenthcentury #violinist #violadagamba #dancemusic #countrydance #englishmusic #englishdancingmaster #earlymusic #earlymusicensemble #baroque #renaissance #earlymodern #folkmusic
#folk #historicdance #historical @histodons @histodon @earlymusic @earlymodern
#viol #renaissance #guitar #recorder #17thcentury #17thcenturyhistory #17thCenturyMusic #johnplayford #seventeenthcentury #violinist #violadagamba #dancemusic #countrydance #englishmusic #englishdancingmaster #earlymusic #earlymusicensemble #baroque #earlymodern #folkmusic #folk #historicdance #historical
Apparently it is #NationalStrawberryDay today.
This seems like the wrong time of year (and I wonder if #turnips might not be more appropriate at the moment), but I'll jump on the bandwagon with a #video of Strawberries and Cream (or Ginnie Pug) from Playford's Dancing Master, 1670.
Eleanor Cramer: bass #viol
Christopher Goodwin: #lute
Alison Kinder: #recorder
Tamsin Lewis: #violin
#earlymusic #youtube #youtubemusic #youtubevideo #youtubechannel #earlymodern #strawberries #strawberry #strawberriesandcream #violinist #violadagamba #recordingartist #countrydance #dance #classicalmusic #folkmusic #englishmusic #turnip #otd #onthisday
@earlymodern @histodons @earlymusic @histodon #histodon #histodons
#nationalstrawberryday #Turnips #Video #viol #lute #recorder #violin #earlymusic #youtube #youtubemusic #youtubevideo #youtubechannel #earlymodern #strawberries #strawberry #strawberriesandcream #violinist #violadagamba #recordingartist #countrydance #dance #classicalmusic #folkmusic #englishmusic #turnip #otd #OnThisDay #histodon #histodons
The Glory of the Kitchen
An anonymous 17th Century 'country dance' from John Playford's Dancing Master, 1665.
Eleanor Cramer: bass #viol
Christopher Goodwin: #lute
Tamsin Lewis: #violin
Image :Pieter Aertsen - The Fat Kitchen, c1565-75
#historicalfood #foodhistory #kitchen #cookery #cook #cooks #17thCentury #17thCenturyHistory #17thCenturyMusic #JohnPlayford #Aertsen #PieterAertsen #seventeenthcentury #violinist #violadagamba #dancemusic #countrydance #englishmusic #englishdancingmaster #earlymusic #earlymusicensemble #baroque #renaissance #earlymodern @histodons @histodon @earlymusic @earlymodern
#viol #lute #violin #historicalfood #foodhistory #kitchen #cookery #cook #cooks #17thcentury #17thcenturyhistory #17thCenturyMusic #johnplayford #aertsen #pieteraertsen #seventeenthcentury #violinist #violadagamba #dancemusic #countrydance #englishmusic #englishdancingmaster #earlymusic #earlymusicensemble #baroque #renaissance #earlymodern
#AlasdairRoberts - '#ALykeWakeDirge' (2005) from the #Album #NoEarthlyMan
#Music #Song #Folk #FolkSong #FolkMusic #EnglishFolk #EnglishFolkMusic #EnglishMusic #EnglishSong #Yorkshire #YorkshireDialect #LykeWakeDirge #TheLykeWakeDirge
#thelykewakedirge #lykewakedirge #yorkshiredialect #yorkshire #englishsong #englishmusic #englishfolkmusic #englishfolk #folkmusic #folksong #folk #song #music #noearthlyman #album #alykewakedirge #alasdairroberts
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A taste of January’s recording of @englishmusic #englishmusic rarities with Roddy Williams.
@britishcomposers @classicalmusic
A taste of January’s recording of @englishmusic #englishmusic rarities with Roddy Williams.
Cease warring thoughtsWilliam Lawes' setting of a song from 'The Triumph of Beauty', a 17thC #masque written by James Shirley, and based on the legend of the Judgement of Paris.
#earlymusic #earlymodern #soprano #lute #viol #violadagamba #17thCentury #judgementofparis #CharlesI #Englishmusic
#charlesi #englishmusic #masque #earlymusic #earlymodern #soprano #lute #viol #violadagamba #17thcentury #judgementofparis