We might not have always dreamt of a life without labor, but merely bgeun with reveries of being allowed to own our fruits.

"Putting my foot in" a meal that I cooked myself shows I'm feeling myself: my creativity, ingenuity, style, + skill, often in the face of changing resources.
Pride + joy suffuses me for myself+ my people.

“I put my foot in it” | USC Digital Folklore Archives

#creativity #culture #cooking #blackmastodon #sociolinguistics #englishspeakers

Last updated 1 year ago

I thought of the Global North debut of Wanuri Kahiu with Pumzi, her science fiction short.

"Water should be free!"

She opened up about the material realities of funding + distributing African films.
+importance of recentering Black, African-descended folks in African stories.

#wanurikahiu #water #sciencefiction #blackmastodon #dystopia #eastafrica #kenya #africandiaspora #englishspeakers #africanfuturism #futureafrica #throwbackthursday #postcolonial

Last updated 2 years ago

@sou @denebeim

Hashtag USPol is a quick useful one to type in CW that allows others to choose whether to engage when US folks we get going.

Hashtag remote vs hashtag [insert city or region, etc.] Is pretty quick too

#decenteringsuperpowers #reframingconversations #decentering #regional #globalnorth #englishspeakers #hegemony #Disambiguation #specificity

Last updated 2 years ago