Do you know what the differences are between a reflexive pronoun and an intensive pronoun?
Are you unsure what they even are? Watch this video to find out!
#LearnEnglish #ESL #Pronouns #Grammar #Reflexive #Intensive #ESOL #TESOL #EFL #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #efl #tesol #ESOL #intensive #reflexive #grammar #pronouns #esl #learnenglish
In this video, we look at idioms containing the colours red, pink, green, and gold.
Learning and using these will help improve your English fluency.
#LearnEnglish #Idioms #ESL #color #colour #ESOL #TESOL #EAL #EFL #EnglishWithDawn #DaybreakEnglish
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #eal #tesol #ESOL #colour #color #esl #idioms #learnenglish
Jealousy and envy. Is there a difference between them, or are they synonyms?
Learn more about both in today’s video, and why they are so often confused.
#LearnEnglish #ESL #ESOL #TESOL #EAL #EFL #EnglishWithDawn #DaybreakEnglish
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #eal #tesol #ESOL #esl #learnenglish
Idioms are difficult, and there are lots of them in English!
In this video, we focus on 10 idioms that involve the 5 senses. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. There are 2 idioms for each sense.
#englishwithdawn #efl #ESOL #esl #learnenglish
Learn some common English phrasal verbs, idioms and vocabulary.
Listen and discover a birthday secret in today's story!
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish
In this video, learn 12 idioms that involve parts of the body.
Watch to the end for a listening exercise to hear the expressions in context.
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish
Made is the past tense of make. It can also become many phrasal verbs.
We look at made of, made from, made up of, made out of, and made with. They look similar, but have different meanings.
#englishwithdawn #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
In my latest short video, we take a quick look at the phrase "banging your head against a brick wall".
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #DaybreakEnglish #shorts #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #shorts #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
In this video, we look at they, them, and their.
Often considered as plural pronouns, learn how to use them as singular pronouns.
#englishwithdawn #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
NEW VIDEO: At Your Wit's End
This video is a quick guide to the phrase "at your wit's end".
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #shorts #DaybreakEnglish #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #daybreakenglish #shorts #efl #esl #learnenglish
NEW VIDEO: Singular Uncountable Nouns
Information, advice, and knowledge are abstract nouns that always remain singular. Learn how to use these uncountable nouns for abstract concepts.
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish
This short video is on the phrasal verb Head Off, its meanings, and examples on how it can be used.
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #DaybreakEnglish #shorts #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #shorts #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
There are a few ways to use the verb suggest. Learn how to use it for both recommendations and questions.
I suggest that you grab a hot drink, get comfy and listen up!
#englishwithdawn #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
In this video, we learn about some idioms and expressions relating to Christmas. Find out what it means to get lit like a Christmas tree!
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #Christmas #Idioms #Expressions #EnglishWithDawn #DaybreakEnglish
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #expressions #idioms #Christmas #efl #esl #learnenglish
In this short video, we look at the word invalid. It can be pronounced in two different ways, depending on how it's used.
Invalid can be an adjective or a noun.
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #DaybreakEnglish #shorts #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #shorts #daybreakenglish #efl #esl #learnenglish
In my latest video, we look at Dental Professionals.
What are they called in English, and what do they do?
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish
This video is a quick guide to advanced uses of the word after.
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #shorts #DaybreakEnglish #EnglishWithDawn
#englishwithdawn #daybreakenglish #shorts #efl #esl #learnenglish
NEW VIDEO: When do you use "after", and when do you use "later"?
In this video we explore these two words that have similar meanings but are used in different ways.
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish
Quick guide to the phrase "all in".
All in has two meanings, and could be considered as a contranym.
#LearnEnglish #ESL #EFL #shorts #EnglishWithDawn #DaybreakEnglish
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #shorts #efl #esl #learnenglish
At someone? Or to someone?
Which preposition do we use when we talk about something going towards a person or animal?
#daybreakenglish #englishwithdawn #efl #esl #learnenglish