DUSTilla kolmen lyhyt-scifi-filmin kooste ihmisen parantelusta tulevaisuudessa otsikolla Human Plus
Yksi liittyy tunteiden hallintaan, toinen bändin yllättävään energisyyteen ja kolmas telepatiaan.
Ryhdyn vasta katsomaan, sattuisivatko viihdyttämään iltani päätteeksi.
#human #enhancement #transhuman #future #scifi #dust
#ITByte: #Progressive #Enhancement is a strategy in web design that puts emphasis on web content first, allowing everyone to access the basic content and functionality of a web page.
#enhancement #progressive #itbyte
7 ChatGPT plugins to enhance productivity - Boost your productivity with ChatGPT plugins and streamline your workflo... - https://cointelegraph.com/news/7-chatgpt-plugins #productivity #optimization #enhancement #efficiency #workflow. #features #chatgpt #plugins
#plugins #chatgpt #features #workflow #efficiency #enhancement #optimization #productivity
A new page on the Biosafety Now website with information about the #monkeypox #enhancement #experiments at the NIH.
The site tracks biolaboratories likely to develop in your neighborhood employing #gof (#GainOfFunction) weaponization of #contagious #pathogens.
#monkeypox #enhancement #experiments #gof #gainoffunction #contagious #pathogens
Jim Shortreed, #VictoriaBC based #herring #enhancement #volunteer , is not fully convinced of the precautionary principle. He said #DFO electronic surveys indicate the returning #biomass is low; however, he claims DFO continues to say the sonars are not calibrated & therefore contain a certain amount of #error in every reading. The only way to know how much #HerringReturns to #spawn is after the spawn when #eggs are #counted
#victoriabc #herring #enhancement #volunteer #dfo #biomass #error #herringreturns #spawn #eggs #counted #britishcolumbia #marinebiology #oceanlife
#ColumbiaBasinTrust ’s most recent #Ecosystem #Enhancement #Program will provide #funding to ten #projects that seek to enhance #biodiversity & #ecosystems throughout the region.
#CBT will distribute $2.6 million in support to four large-scale projects around the Basin & $316,000 to six smaller scale, shorter-term projects, to prioritize on-the-ground action aimed at improving #ecological #health and #NativeBiodiversity
#columbiabasintrust #ecosystem #enhancement #program #funding #projects #biodiversity #ecosystems #cbt #ecological #health #nativebiodiversity #britishcolumbia #ecology #conservation #nature
#Development #Techniques
Easy SVG customization and animation · A practical guide to creating delightful SVG refinements on the fly https://ilo.im/10s0s1
#WebDevelopment #WebDev #WebDesign #Frontend #JavaScript #SVG #CSS #HTML #Animation #Customization #Optimization #Enhancement
#development #techniques #webdevelopment #webdev #webdesign #frontend #javascript #svg #css #html #animation #customization #optimization #enhancement
hey @elk is there a way to keep my toots language default yet? like... i'm always changing from English to Portuguese from toot to toot...
This is a #digital #enhancement to my original 24 by 36 #acrylic #painting
#art #todaysart #painting #acrylic #enhancement #digital
This dataset for ICASSP2023 @clarityprojuk is for this research Q: "Can speech enhancement systems trained on simulated data generalize to more ecologically-valid measurement data?" We're measuring with an ambisonic mic and live actors. #speech #enhancement
RT @clarityprojuk
We're setting up ready to record our evaluation set for the @ieeeICASSP #icassp2023 signal processing challenge on #speech #enhancement for hearing aids. St…
#speech #enhancement #icassp2023
Mastodon iOS app sux the ol’ 🐔 be nice if it honored CW so I don’t have to remember!
#hinthint #enhancement
Taylor Lorenz makes the case for adding a quoting feature to mastodon. I agree it’s a useful #enhancement @taylorlorenz
Even better would be if the software were designed so that adding alt-text were the default — that is, when you add an image, the alt-text box is automatically opened with your cursor in it.
Right now the default in the software is not to add alt-text — you have to click if you want to add it.st That is, alt-text is now opt-in. It should be opt-out.
If you want a horse to jump a fence, make the fence as low as possible.
#mastodonux #alttext #enhancement #featurereque
Pembaharuan | #transformation #enhancement
Meta world is fully adopts digital into physical act both as virtualization & system. Alpha generation is the beginning of dependence on information technology. Hybrid is an optimally processes of big data. Market is divided between face-to-face with back office & transact online not need a on-site location with a man as CEO & employee.
IG: djidot
#GagapMetaverse | bioblog n#894
© duaJalur management
#gagapmetaverse #bandungwicaksono #enhancement #transformation
That’s the third time the web tooting interface has gone spla on me and lost ten minutes’ editing. No draft? Grrrr.
#enhancement #ux
A main concern on genetic #enhancement is what would happen with the contingency of life itself?
I just donated some USD to @metabolist because the #Metatext app is great but needs further development, so that all the GitHub entries marked as #enhancement can be realized, such as respecting 16:9 image cropping (or not) based on server settings and many more.
You can also support Metatext with your #donation for probably the best #iOS #Mastodon client: https://opencollective.com/metabolist
#metatext #enhancement #donation #iOS #mastodon
Now that we use #Black to format the #Django code, I think it would help a lot to format the #Python code blocks present in the #documentation with Black as well 👇
#issue #enhancement #formatting
#black #django #python #documentation #issue #enhancement #formatting
Random number generator enhancements for Linux 5.17 and 5.18: https://www.zx2c4.com/projects/linux-rng-5.17-5.18/ #linux #random #rng #kernel #enhancement #foss #update
#linux #random #rng #kernel #enhancement #foss #update
Can i help to change the playback speed variables for Peertube players?
Visual arts-related it is great to be able to control playback speeds between 0.1 - 10++ instead of just 0.5 - 2.
It is only one line of code, no?
Or: Is there a Peertube plugin interface, so one could code sthg. like "Enhancer for Youtube" (enabling me to see YT videos at _any_ speed i want) ?!
Thank you for all you do!
#peertube #enhancement #playback #speed #plugin #visualarts @pixelflowers @peertube @Chocobozzz
#visualarts #plugin #speed #playback #enhancement #peertube