The twentyfourth subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #Iraq
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf Iraq.
#enjoyableevenings #iraq #musicof
The twentythird subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #Iran
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf Iran.
#enjoyableevenings #iran #musicof
The twentysecond subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #India (part 2)
So (again) we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf India.
#musicof #india #enjoyableevenings
The twentyfirst subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #Indonesia
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf Indonesia.
#musicof #indonesia #enjoyableevenings
The twentieth subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #India
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf India.
#musicof #india #enjoyableevenings
The nineteenth subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #Germany
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf Germany.
#musicof #germany #enjoyableevenings
The eighteenth subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #France
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf France.
#musicof #france #enjoyableevenings
The seventeenth subject within the #EnjoyableEvenings is #Ethiopia
So we're looking for two 'albums' and one 'movie' that characterize the #MusicOf Ethiopia.
#musicof #ethiopia #enjoyableevenings