Goodbye Facebook after 16 years, finally broke up with the worst company in my life reminding me of the past as if I wanted to know what happened today a year ago or 3 years ago.
#breakup #facebook #shoutout #facebookmarketing #enjoythemoment #friends #feelgood #goodlife
#breakup #facebook #shoutout #facebookmarketing #enjoythemoment #friends #feelgood #goodlife
The rain is falling around my feet
The night is calling on this well-lit street
People in doorways just stand and stare
Castaway shadows that really aren't there
#DefLeppard #MarleyPark #weather #EnjoyTheMoment
#defleppard #marleypark #weather #enjoythemoment
"Tipsy Traveler Calls Out Crossword Clues on Stalled Train Turning a Gloomy Car into Smiling Community–WATCH"
#GuteNachrichten #GoodNews #GoodMood #Crosswords #Community #Smiling #EnjoyTheMoment #Video
#video #enjoythemoment #smiling #community #crosswords #goodmood #goodnews #gutenachrichten
In this picturesque scene, we see a yellow sports car driving along an autumnal avenue. The car is sleek and low to the ground, with a powerful engine and clean lines. It seems to hug the road as it speeds along, the driver reveling in the thrill of the ride.
#SportsCar #AutumnDrive #FallColors #AutumnLeaves #ClearSkies #OpenRoad #ThrillOfTheRide #YellowCar #PowerfulEngine #CrispAir #PerfectWeather #Adventure #EmbraceLife #EnjoyTheMoment #RacingThroughAutumn #AutumnalAvenue #FastAndFurious
#fastandfurious #autumnalavenue #racingthroughautumn #enjoythemoment #embracelife #adventure #perfectweather #crispair #powerfulengine #yellowcar #thrilloftheride #OpenRoad #clearskies #autumnleaves #fallcolors #autumndrive #sportscar
In this picturesque scene, we see a yellow sports car driving along an autumnal avenue. The car is sleek and low to the ground, with a powerful engine and clean lines. It seems to hug the road as it speeds along, the driver reveling in the thrill of the ride.
#SportsCar #AutumnDrive #FallColors #AutumnLeaves #ClearSkies #OpenRoad #ThrillOfTheRide #YellowCar #PowerfulEngine #CrispAir #PerfectWeather #Adventure #EmbraceLife #EnjoyTheMoment #RacingThroughAutumn #AutumnalAvenue #FastAndFurious
#sportscar #autumndrive #fallcolors #autumnleaves #ClearSkies #OpenRoad #thrilloftheride #yellowcar #powerfulengine #crispair #perfectweather #adventure #embracelife #enjoythemoment #racingthroughautumn #autumnalavenue #FastAndFurious
Kick back, find yourself a spot, get comfortable, and enjoy the moment.
#DogsOfMastodon #Dogs #Puppies #Photography #DogPhotography #SamoyedPuppy #JustBe #EnjoyTheMoment
#dogsofmastodon #Dogs #puppies #photography #dogphotography #samoyedpuppy #justbe #enjoythemoment
Looking to hook up with fellow photographers or folks interested in photography and photo workshops.
#southoffrance #france #sunshine #easydoesit #enjoythemoment #miniphotoprojects #magicalmoments #sunlight #enjoyphotography #Inspiration #sunflowers #camargue #aude #audetourisme #lumix #lumixuk
#southoffrance #france #sunshine #easydoesit #enjoythemoment #miniphotoprojects #magicalmoments #sunlight #enjoyphotography #inspiration #sunflowers #camargue #aude #audetourisme #lumix #lumixuk
Perché, perché, perché...
D' inverno non vedete l'ora
che arrivi l'estate.
D' estate avete paura che torni l'inverno.
Per questo non vi stancate mai
di rincorrere il posto dove non siete:
- dove è sempre estate.
A. Baricco
Small daily rituals
Performed mostly by habit
Bring comfort and stability
And little joyful energies
Making tea a hot bubble bath
Kissing hello and good bye
Reading. Gardening. Unexpected conversations
Meditate on those rituals
Fully immerse in whatever the present moment brings
Find your peace. Joy. And love.
In all those moments
#tuesdayThoughts #EnjoyTheMoment
#tuesdaythoughts #enjoythemoment
Working on some UI fixes. Here and now.
#myhappyplace #family #beautifulpeople #UIDevelopment #uidesign #theoffice #tio #workspace #coding #coworkingspace #enjoythemoment
#enjoythemoment #coworkingspace #Coding #workspace #tio #theoffice #uidesign #UIDevelopment #beautifulpeople #family #myhappyplace
It feels good to make UI Fixes. (sometimes)
#ui #fixes #UIDevelopment #nowandhere #enjoythemoment #with #filtercoffee
#filtercoffee #with #enjoythemoment #nowandhere #UIDevelopment #fixes #ui
Beim Morgenrad hier in der Stadt der Städte an herrlichen herbstlichen Sonnenaufgangsmomente vorbei gefahren.
Und ich habe sie nur auf meiner eigenen Festplatte 🧠 gespeichert und nicht Bilder gemacht.
Was biking in the morning today and saw so many wonderful fall sunrise.
I only saved them to my own hard drive 🧠, didn't make pictures.
#stolz #enjoythemoment #carpediem #achtsamkeit