The #dialectics of #enlightenments - there will finally light!
In this last part I go into the media-theoretical changes and upheavals one that have been triggered by the internet. In order to present this better, Mr. Immanuel Kant is simply sent to the year 2050 as "DigiKant".
The dialectics of the third enlightenment
Kant's four basic questions of philosophy - modern asked
The information society 2.0 - We inform us to death
The #dialectics of #enlightenments - there will finally light!
The "myths" and "narratives" of postmodernism
But this is exactly where, in my opinion, the dialectic of enlightenment in postmodernism strikes with all its harshness. What then remains at the end of the "myths", the "ideologies", the "illusions", the "grand narratives" on the "dissection table" of rationality?
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The #dialectics of #enlightenments - there will finally light!
The god of sciences
The dialectics of enlightenment by Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno
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