So I just watched #EnolaHolmes2... I didn't expect this fun little #movie to explicitly say that capitalists really are willing to commit war crimes in us to increase profits.
If you eliminate the impossible, then whatever remains, no matter how implausible, and silly, and badly-plotted, must be this movie. Enola Holmes 2 is abridged!
I just watched Enola Holmes 2 (2022) #EnolaHolmes2 #trakt
Just watched Enola Holmes 2 #EnolaHolmes2 #trakt
We stand to lose our VITAL right to withdraw our labour
Humans have been doing it for millennia..
Hear about strikes from ancient Egypt to the REAL Matchwomen (as featured in #EnolaHolmes2) and why we can’t lose this fight- from me tomorrow.
FREE, 7pm ✊🏻
🇵🇱 Właśnie obejrzałem #EnolaHolmes2, film jest OK, naprawdę fajne kostiumy i scenografia, historia ciekawa. Wiem, że to Netflix, ale to kogo wcielili w rolę Moriariego i Johna Watsona to po prostu wychodzi poza skalę „poprawności” 😑 Cud, że Enola nie jest lesbijką…
🇬🇧 I just watched #EnolaHolmes2, the movie is OK, really cool costumes and scenography, the story is interesting. I know that it’s Netflix, but who they played the role of Moriarty and John Watson simply goes beyond the scale of "correctness" 😑 Miracle that Enola is not a lesbian…
#EnolaHolmes2: A fun and fitting follow-up to a damn good #movie, expanding its look at both the #SherlockHolmes formula and #Victorian era #feminism.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #mystery #Netflix #henrycavill #milliebobbybrown #RedRibbonReviewers
#enolaholmes2 #movie #sherlockholmes #victorian #feminism #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinemastodon #mystery #netflix #henrycavill #milliebobbybrown #redribbonreviewers
If you’re looking for a good #FamilyFilm, #EnolaHolmes2 on Netflix is very good. (It’s actually a bit intense in terms of action, what with bullets flying and cutlasses…er, cutting.) David Thewlis is genuinely frightening in it.
Plus a mention on #EnolaHolmes2!
Save the date for next year, JULY 15.
Hoping to make a big speaker announcement soon!
#EnolaHolmes2 was quite fun. Good writing and acting. I'm pretty sure it won't do to well on the cosplayers tier lists, but there was nothing that I, a person with no fashion sense at all, found unbelievable.
#Manifest , #TheCrown , #LoveIsBlind and #EnolaHolmes2 are This Weeks Nielsen Top 20 Streaming Chart *Updated 8th December 2022*
#manifest #thecrown #loveisblind #enolaholmes2 #tv #television
Després de veure #enolaholmes2 ( #EnolaHolmes ja ens va encantar) em reafirmo. Més saga EnolaHolmes i menys #JasonBourne. Gràcies per fer-nos descobrir la història de #SarahChapman i les #matchgirls1888 #matchgirlsstrike #UnionOfWomenMatchMakers #BryanAndMay
#enolaholmes2 #EnolaHolmes #jasonbourne #sarahchapman #matchgirls1888 #matchgirlsstrike #unionofwomenmatchmakers #bryanandmay
Omg, #enolaholmes2 is adorable. Go watch it right now. It’s just all kinds of happy. @Netflix
Just watched #EnolaHolmes2 on #Netflix. It was fun and Henry Cavill does quite a good turn as Sherlock. Millie Bobby Brown was just as good as Enola as in the first one.
I quite liked how they covered the story of the Lyons Factory #MatchGirls, although I think they could have gone into a bit more detail of Fossy Jaw.
#enolaholmes2 #netflix #matchgirls
Just watched #EnolaHolmes2 on #Netflix. It was fun and Henry Cavill does quite a good turn as Sherlock. Millie Bobby Brown was just as good as Enola as in the first one.
I quite liked how they covered the story of the Lyons Factory #MatchGirls, although I think they could have gone into a bit more detail of Fossy Jaw.
#enolaholmes2 #netflix #matchgirls
Les programmes les plus visionnés sur les plateformes aux États-Unis du 31 octobre au 6 novembre 2022.
#Manifest #LoveIsBlind #InsideMan #EnolaHolmes2 #FromScratch #BigMouth #TheHandmaidsTale
#thehandmaidstale #bigmouth #fromscratch #enolaholmes2 #InsideMan #loveisblind #manifest
Okay so yes this is the #fandom #podcast that I'm on, so these are my friends and all, but it is a huge podcast and I wasn't on this one! I haven't listened to it yet, in fact, but I definitely want to take a listen to this #EnolaHolmes2 roundtable. Spoilers apparently begin around 15 minutes in. Listen here and find full show notes on the website:
#fandom #podcast #enolaholmes2
Just watched #EnolaHolmes2 on Netflix. The first film was really good and this was equally fun.
Op 5 juli 1888 beslisten 1400 vrouwen om te staken voor betere arbeidsomstandigheden in een luciferfabriek. Sarah Chapman was één van de aanvoersters. Een heldin.
Genoten van #EnolaHolmes2.