Spent an inordinate amount of time watching YouTube videos and reading Reddit comments to figure out if an with capabilities is worth buying for annotating ePub and PDF .

The seemed the most promising but it has no backlight. Without backlight, screens look much too grey and dull to me. I wish they were whiter, more akin to books than newspapers.

Conclusion: I’ll stick to my Forma and splurge on a Moleskine and Lamy pen for note taking.

#ereader #enotebook #ebooks #supernote #a5x #eink #kobo

Last updated 2 years ago

Stuart Moore · @gruntfutuk
127 followers · 43 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

@douginamug I've just invested in a Boox Tab Ultra, which is an Android based eink tablet to compliment my Kindle Oasis. Great for digital magazines, larger text books, and other content. Can even watch YouTube!

There are a lot of competitors in this field for note taking and consumption. Been watching for a long time.

Eink have just launched a new panel which we will see from many OEMs soon but didn't want to wait for the next best thing.

#eink #ebook #ereader #enotebook

Last updated 2 years ago

SamirMaktabi · @SamirMaktabi
2 followers · 33 posts · Server toot.community

Test af Samsungs Galaxy S8 Tablet, som eNotebook.
I min søgen efter en god digital notesbog, så har jeg haft muligheden for at teste en Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 5G med pen i et par uger og nedenfor kan du læse mine erfaringer og min konklusion med denne enhed

#gadgets #mobility #android #devicemanagement #emm #enotebook #kme #mdm #microsoft #mobiledevicemanagement #samsung #tablet #workprofile #zte

Last updated 2 years ago

SamirMaktabi · @SamirMaktabi
2 followers · 33 posts · Server toot.community

Hvilke krav skal man stille til en digital notesbog?
Jeg har længe villet finde en digital løsning, der kunne erstatte den fysisk notesbog. Jeg har erkendt, at det går hurtigere at tage noter på gammeldags vis med en pen og en notesbog. Så kan jeg finde en digital løsning, der løser alle mine behov? Først skal jeg have

#datasikkerhed #gadgets #mobility #enotebook #gdpr #mdm #Nokia #samsung

Last updated 2 years ago

Jordan Kettner · @jordankettner
426 followers · 171 posts · Server kettner.social

The Supernote has arrived.

First impressions: It’s not a notebook, but it’s very cool.

#supernote #eink #enotebook #remarkable #boox

Last updated 2 years ago