Whee... Something developing near Laguja. Second overnight wake-up in a row.
Wie viele Windräder hätten wohl für die Kosten des Auspumpens der #FSOSafer gebaut werden können?
Und dazu noch dieser Name, was für eine Ironie.
#fossilfuels #EnoughAlready #UN
#fsosafer #fossilfuels #enoughalready #UN
Say ENOUGH in Hebrew like a pro!
#enough #stop #learnhebrew #hebrewbyinbal #languagelearning #hebrewlesson #done #stopit #enoughalready #ok #itsover #hebrew #israel #fediverse #mazeldon #jewish #fyp #enoughsaid
#enough #stop #learnhebrew #hebrewbyinbal #languagelearning #hebrewlesson #done #stopit #enoughalready #ok #itsover #hebrew #israel #fediverse #mazeldon #jewish #fyp #enoughsaid
I agree with this. I find hashtags to be an eyesore, and they cause friction when I interact with posts. Mastodon needs to rethink their implementation.
Hashtags are everything on Mastodon — why not give them a home? - The Verge
(ahem)… #feditips #hashtag #theverge #EnoughAlready https://www.theverge.com/23673125/mastodon-separate-tags-hashtag-navigation-accessibility
#feditips #hashtag #theverge #enoughalready
Ever have one of those days that you wish you had a solitary job? I mean one where you do t have to talk to anyone. At all. All day long…?
#tired #work #silence #enoughalready
My breathing sounds like a snoring Wookie......
#Cold #ColdSymptoms #ThisSucks #EnoughAlready #ImPoorly #GiveMeSympathyGodDamnit #MilkingTheHashtags #WheezesMore
#cold #coldsymptoms #thissucks #enoughalready #impoorly #givemesympathygoddamnit #milkingthehashtags #wheezesmore
My breathing sounds like a snoring Wookie......
#Cold #ColdSymptoms #ThisSucks #EnoughAlready #ImPoorly #GiveMeSympathyGodDamnit #MilkingTheHastags #WheezesMore
#cold #coldsymptoms #thissucks #enoughalready #impoorly #givemesympathygoddamnit #milkingthehastags #wheezesmore
I'm looking forward to the day when I can watch an NFL game and the booth discussion won't be focused on how everything affects Tom Brady. #EnoughAlready
RT @profgalloway@twitter.com
Let's see,,,U of Alabama:
30K students, 1K already have Covid.
Shut. It. Down. #enoughalready https://twitter.com/annehelen/status/1299705090111016960
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/profgalloway/status/1299753730578022401
Also, if I never see another clip or "clever" discussion of a SNL skit again, my life will be greatly improved. It's comedy, folks. It's not even #satire. #enoughalready