Savez-vous si les données de sont accessibles par une API #rest ? (quelle URL ?)
La doc ne mentionne que la version "animale".
#ensembl #bioinformatics #bioinfo
#bioinfo #bioinformatics #ensembl #rest
We hope that the comparative genomics analyses made available through this study will provide a route towards the application of genomics-informed conservation programmes across the great diversity of invertebrate species. A big thank to all the amazing people from the Darwin Tree of Life Project that made this reserch possible! #biodiversity #conservation #comparativegenomics #PacBio #DarwinTreeofLife #Ensembl #emblebi #sangerinstitute #wellcometrust
#biodiversity #conservation #comparativegenomics #PacBio #darwintreeoflife #ensembl #emblebi #sangerinstitute #WellcomeTrust
BioMart- of course we all know you can get #GeneOntology annotations with this great tool, but here's a fantastic #tweetorial about converting gene IDs!
RT @ensembl
1/ Do you have a list of @ensembl IDs that you want to convert to IDs from other databases?
Here's how you can retrieve the @NCBI gene IDs from a list of #Ensembl IDs. A thread...🧵
#genomics #bioinformatics #tweetorial #Ensembltraining 🧬
#GeneOntology #tweetorial #ensembl #genomics #bioinformatics #ensembltraining
I did not realize that #Ensembl 's #mysql is built with MyISAM engines as the default.
Wondering if #Aria or #ColumnStore engines are a better choice when building with #MariaDB
#ensembl #mysql #aria #columnstore #mariadb