The Edge of Night
✍️ fic by
🖌️ illustrated by

🧟 /
🧟 277k, Mature
🧟 When the zombies attack, WY is trapped in a petrol station
🧟 Baby A-Yuan needs him
🧟 Epic, sometimes horrifying, gripping


#hobbsy3 #steppjes #theuntamed #mdzs #LanZhan #WeiYing #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #zombieapocalypseau #accidentalbabyacquisition #ModernAU #ensemblepiece

Last updated 2 years ago

fat? :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
245 followers · 1107 posts · Server

The Wondrous Voyages and Strange Adventures of the Revenge, Her Crew & Captains
✍️ fic by Lobelia321

🪶 / , / , /
🪶 12k, rated Teen
🪶 Letters & journals
🪶 Mostly written by Lucius, with some by Jim & Stede
🪶 Tall tales, adventures, fuckeries


#OurFlagMeansDeath #omfd #edteach #stedebonnet #blackpete #lucius #oluwande #jimjiminez #decrecs #FicRec #omfdrecs #epistolary #ensemblepiece #fixit

Last updated 2 years ago