Bayesian Quadrature for Neural Ensemble Search
Saad Hamid, Xingchen Wan, Martin Jørgensen, Binxin Ru, Michael A Osborne
Action editor: Kevin Swersky.
#Ensembles #ensemble #ensembling
We spent a full day #ensembling with the majority of the team, first time ever! And it worked. We deliberately slowed down to go fast. We observed a lot, learned a lot, found a lot, fixed a lot - all in short time with direct fast feedback without waiting times or distractions.
For the 18th time, I ignored my own advice to "discuss with code instead of out loud". (The idea is to write the code and see what it looks like—discuss based on a concrete implementation—instead of discussing in the abstract.)
One of the Ensemble members suggested it, but it took me a while to give in. I need a "discussion alarm" that goes off after 5 minutes.
@marick I miss Real Colocation, by which I mean not only physically in the same place, but actively collaborating via pairing, etc.
These days I do a lot of remote #ensembling as a technical coach/educator, but I don't get to know folks nearly as well as when I would be with them physically.
So while I really like the not-traveling part of remote, I greatly miss being in the same place.