@HailSatan Prog ist bei mir durchaus gut. Ich kann nicht genug von #enslaved oder #shining bekommen. Allerdings darf es schon gerne sehr dreckig und finster werden, so wie z.B. Mayhem's Ordo ad Chao oder auch Esoteric Warfare. Daemon fand ich extrem gut, aber sehr bodenständig.
Leider haben sich #DarkFortress aufgelöst. Die waren immer für großartiges gut. Post-Black wie HFTS höre ich auch gerne mal.
Wie du sagtest: es darf gerne nicht stumpf sein 😉
#darkfortress #shining #enslaved
‘It stops you cold’: the 272 #enslaved people sold to fund #Georgetown
The descendants of #AnnJoice, separated as part of the sale, are at the center of a vital new work of history and journalism
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/31/georgetown-college-slavery-272-book-rachel-swarns #Religion #Jesuits #indenture
#indenture #jesuits #religion #annjoice #georgetown #enslaved
Too busy, could barely get started on yesterday's historical anniversaries (sorry, Battle of Mohács and Shays's Rebelion), but here instead:
28 August 1748 "Lucy Terry Prince was among the residents of Deerfield present during an Abenaki raid on the village. Lucy, an #enslaved #woman, described the horrific event in 'The Bars Fight,' the earliest known #poem by a #black writer in North America....No other writing of hers has been found"
#OTD 1844, #DolleyMadison’s son John Payne Todd sold 9 #enslaved ppl to Henry Moncure, the new owner of #Montpelier.
Among them were 2 yr old Elizabeth, her brother Caleb, her mother Charlotte, and her uncle Edwin.
Read what we know about Elizabeth at #MontpelierNamingProject. 🔗 https://digitaldoorway.montpelier.org/2020/09/22/the-naming-project-elizabeth/?utm_content=bufferc2f4f&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
#sschat #histodons #HistoryTeacher #apgov #ushistory @academicchatter
#otd #dolleymadison #enslaved #montpelier #montpeliernamingproject #sschat #histodons #historyteacher #apgov #ushistory
I don’t understand this tiny shit head human here I don’t get it. Ghanians and MANY #Africans enslaved other Africans its taught in #Ghana universities why is he asking for #Reparations & apologies GHANA OWES AN APOLOGY TO ALL THE DESCENDANTS OF THE #enslaved #History #America #Caribbean #AU #AfricanUnion #ECOWAS https://vocal.media/confessions/ghana-has-a-documented-history-of-selling-and-trading-africans-into-slavery-why-are-they-asking-for-reparations
#africans #Ghana #reparations #enslaved #history #america #caribbean #au #AfricanUnion #ecowas
Learn more about Madison’s involvement in the #Constitution or #BillofRights, or the lives of the #enslaved community during your visit to Montpelier.
We have a variety of tour offerings for all of our guests!
#sschat #histodons #HistoryTeacher #apgov #ushistory @academicchatter
#constitution #billofrights #enslaved #sschat #histodons #historyteacher #apgov #ushistory
Guten Abend zusammen! Ich wurde meiner Bio gestern wieder gerecht: mein Team hat das Kneipenquiz gewonnen! Es wird überlegt, ob man mich ab sofort gar nicht mehr einladen oder ich ab sofort die Musikrunde (mein Steckenpferd!) selbst moderieren soll 😂
Wenn man vom Teufel spricht: Musik! Heute von #Enslaved, allerdings mit einer Coverversion von #Röyksopp , auf die ich gestern dank @lautmaler gestoßen bin & seitdem auf Dauerrotation läuft.
Enslaved - What Else is There
"OTD 1765, the British official charged with administering the hated #StampAct was hung in effigy from an elm tree near Boston Common. ...Over the next weeks, the great elm emerged as the place in Boston for protest meetings. People of all classes — including unskilled laborers, #enslaved people, & #women, who were normally excluded from official town meetings — flocked to the "Liberty Tree" to post notices, hear speeches, & hold outdoor meetings."
#stampact #enslaved #women #americanrevolution
A naming project from #Montpelier - giving voice to the #enslaved people of President James Madison.
#histodons #slavery #USHistory #BlackMastodon #geneaology #homeschool #sschat
#sschat #homeschool #Geneaology #BlackMastodon #ushistory #slavery #histodons #enslaved #montpelier
Thanks Spike and Tonya, for reiterating what I’ve said for a long time (most recently December 2022: https://bit.ly/47iuOCO) the word is ENSLAVED—it describes what was done to our ancestors—and inevitably forces one who’s unaware to ask, “well, who enslaved you?” (Video: July 2023) #Mastodon #BlackMastodon #enslaved
#enslaved #BlackMastodon #Mastodon
That floating prison barge for the UK? It’s owned by Bibby Lines, who began its operations running slave ships in the 1800s.
Yeah, you read that right.
#Enslaved #Prison #FloatingPrison #UK #UnitedKingdom #ModernSlavery #MigrantBarge #Colonization
#colonization #migrantbarge #modernslavery #unitedkingdom #uk #floatingprison #prison #enslaved
Let's try to be fair to #RonDeSantis and his #Florida #education system ... #enslaved people really did get all sorts of amazing benefits, as the Onion dutifully reports ...
#History #enslaved #Education #Florida #rondesantis
"Planters...held firmly to the belief that working peoples - black or white - should be paid only the absolute minimum to keep them alive and working...Nearly ten years after the #Emancipation, the wage paid to a black working on contract was less than what it had cost to feed, clothe, and shelter a #slave...Working conditions remained virtually the same as they had for his #enslaved great grandmother and...brutality continued to be the normal course of events."
#emancipation #slave #enslaved #toshoothardlabour
#Literacy By Any Means Necessary: The History of Anti-Literacy Laws in the U.S - Oakland Literacy Coalition
"Anti-literacy laws made it illegal for #enslaved and free people of color to read or write. Southern #slave states enacted anti-literacy laws between 1740 and 1834, prohibiting anyone from teaching enslaved and free people of color to read or write"
In July 1844, #DolleyMadison transferred all the people she #enslaved to her son, John Payne Todd - a legal maneuver to prevent them from being seized in lawsuits. “Gabriel abt 50 yrs” was listed on the July 16 deed.
Read his bio on #MontpelierNamingProject:
#sschat #histodons #HistoryTeacher #apgov #ushistory @academicchatter
#dolleymadison #enslaved #montpeliernamingproject #sschat #histodons #historyteacher #apgov #ushistory
@mfeilner wer so tief im Land der Wikinger, der Sagen und Mythen der Edda steckt, der braucht auch den zugehörigen Soundtrack!
Aus Bergen, Norwegen:
#Enslaved - Roots of the Mountain
Saturday morning music! 🎶 Listen to #Enslaved for weeks no and can't get enough 🖤 https://youtu.be/hfJ0NsUyhKw
This looks like a white man telling truths about white men, and I hope that is so.
#Tulsa isn't the only #massacre #white #Oklahomans committed.
That land, like all of this hemisphere and elsewhere, is soaked in the #blood of the #Indigenous and #Enslaved spilled in direct service to the greed of #white people.
That same greed exists all around us, no matter who or where you are.
#appletv #october #martinscorsese #KillersoftheFlowerMoon #enslaved #Indigenous #blood #oklahomans #white #Massacre #tulsa
Industrial Revolution iron method ‘was taken from Jamaica by Briton’ - Wrought iron process that drove UK success was appropriated from black metallurgists, records suggest"
"An innovation that propelled Britain to become the world’s leading iron exporter during the Industrial Revolution was appropriated from an 18th-century Jamaican foundry, historical records suggest.
The Cort process, which allowed wrought iron to be mass-produced from scrap iron for the first time, has long been attributed to the British financier turned ironmaster Henry Cort ... Now, an analysis of correspondence, shipping records and contemporary newspaper reports reveals the innovation was first developed by 76 black Jamaican metallurgists at an ironworks near Morant Bay, Jamaica. Many of these metalworkers were enslaved people trafficked from west and central Africa, which had thriving iron-working industries at the time.
Dr Jenny Bulstrode, a lecturer in history of science and technology at University College London (UCL) and author of the paper, said: “This innovation kicks off Britain as a major iron producer and … was one of the most important innovations in the making of the modern world.”
#BIPOC #Slavery #Enslaved #Colonialism #Jamaica #Metallurgy #Iron #Ironmaking #UK #Britain #IndustrialRevolution #Industrial #Manufacturing #Africa #Africans #Inventions #Innovation
#bipoc #slavery #enslaved #colonialism #jamaica #metallurgy #iron #ironmaking #uk #britain #industrialrevolution #industrial #manufacturing #africa #africans #inventions #innovation
On 25 November 1783, the last #british troops departed #Manhattan taking #loyalists and a few #enslaved people (to be freed) with them. For years afterward, #EvacuationDay was celebrated as a #holiday in #newyork —on a par with #July4. There were #parades flag raisings, and other events. The last official observance was in 1916. It is still commemorated, most notably in 1983 and 2008. #nyc #history #america #americanhistory https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evacuation_Day_(New_York)
#british #manhattan #loyalists #enslaved #evacuationday #holiday #newyork #july4 #parades #nyc #history #america #americanhistory