“Viral Origins of #ChronicFatigueSyndrome May Be Hiding in Plain Sight”
On recent paper by @DrMaureenHanson:
The viral origin of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
@mecfs #MEcfs #CFS #MyalgicE #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #PwME #enterovirus
#chronicfatiguesyndrome #mecfs #cfs #myalgice #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #pwme #enterovirus #Enteroviruses
#Pakistan: Three-year-old paralyzed by {wild} #poliovirus in Bannu https://reliefweb.int/report/pakistan/three-year-old-paralyzed-polio-bannu-0 #epidemic #paralysis #afp #enterovirus #alert
#pakistan #poliovirus #epidemic #paralysis #afp #enterovirus #alert
#Epidemiology of #HFMD and #genomic #surveillance of #coxsackievirus A10 circulating in #Zhejiang Province, #China during 2017 to 2022, J Clin Virol.: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcv.2023.105552 #enterovirus #HEV #vaccines #research #science #medicine
#epidemiology #hfmd #genomic #surveillance #coxsackievirus #zhejiang #china #enterovirus #hev #vaccines #research #Science #medicine
#WHO (07 July 2023). Disease #Outbreak News; #Enterovirus-#Echovirus 11 #Infection in the #European Region. Available at https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2023-DON474 #pediatrics #epidemics #EID #PICU #NICU #alert
#who #outbreak #enterovirus #echovirus #infection #european #pediatrics #epidemics #eid #PICU #nicu #alert
☝️ Now published in Lancet:
"Enteroviruses and risk of islet autoimmunity or type 1 diabetes: systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled observational studies detecting viral nucleic acids and proteins"
#Type1Diabetes #t1d #enterovirus #vaccine #antiviral #virus #virology
#type1diabetes #t1d #enterovirus #vaccine #Antiviral #virus #virology
World Health Organization #WHO (31 May 2023). Disease Outbreak News; #Enterovirus #Infection – #France. Available at: https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2023-DON469
#who #enterovirus #infection #france
Uptick in cases of #myocarditis in #newborns in #Wales linked to #enterovirus, not #COVID19 #vaccines
#myocarditis #newborns #wales #enterovirus #covid19 #vaccines
Ten baby's hearts break
Enterovirus strikes with might
Help comes too late now
#enterovirus #babies #myocarditis #uk #haiku #poetry
#enterovirus #babies #myocarditis #uk #haiku #poetry
Warning as baby dies and seven more fall critically ill with ‘usually mild virus’ | The Independent
#babies #enterovirus #myocarditis #who #Wales #cymru #hygiene #ukhsa
RT @TheaKFischer
#ECCMID2023 is officially started! Come to Hall B this morning and learn all about emerging entervirusds and parechoviruses and why you should care to know more👍
#enterovirus #parechovirus @HarvalaHeli @broberg_e @KimBenschop @ENPEN_ESCV @firefoxx66 @JeanLucBailly2 mfl
#ECCMID2023 #enterovirus #parechovirus
Preprint: COVID-19 activates endogenous retroviruses within our genome
#covid #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #enterovirus
Non-polio #enterovirus aseptic #meningitis in #infants up to three months of age, the bacterial mask of viral disease: a retrospective cohort study https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653223000495?dgcid=rss_sd_all
#enterovirus #meningitis #infants
#Enterovirus Characterized from #CSF in a cohort from the Eastern #USA, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653223000240?dgcid=rss_sd_all
Another paper calling for the development of an #enterovirus #vaccine to prevent heart disease & diabetes:
It focuses on Coxsackievirus B (CVB) & its role in causing dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) & Type I Diabetes (T1D).
"CVB-reactive antibodies are found in ~50% of DCM patients while enterovirus genomic material can be detected in up to 70%."
"Estimates indicate that the use of CVB vaccines can lessen the prevalence of #T1D by at least 50%."
#enterovirus #vaccine #t1d #virus #virology
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RT @PLOSBiology
RNA virus translation & recombination: @CameronLabUNC reveal cap-independent #translation initiation of #enterovirus in the absence of eIF2α, identifying an upstream RNA element that enables initiation using non-canonical factors eIF2A/eIF2D #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3JsJXs7
#plosbiology #enterovirus #translation
RNA virus translation & recombination: @CameronLabUNC reveal cap-independent #translation initiation of #enterovirus in the absence of eIF2α, identifying an upstream RNA element that enables initiation using non-canonical factors eIF2A/eIF2D #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3JsJXs7
#plosbiology #enterovirus #translation
#Disruption of Seasonal #Enterovirus and #Parechovirus #Detections in the #CSF and #Plasma of #Children During the #COVID19 Pandemic https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1386653223000045?dgcid=rss_sd_all
#disruption #enterovirus #parechovirus #detections #csf #plasma #children #COVID19
RNA virus translation & recombination: @CameronLabUNC reveal cap-independent #translation initiation of #enterovirus in the absence of eIF2α, identifying an upstream RNA element that enables initiation using non-canonical factors eIF2A/eIF2D #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3JsJXs7
#plosbiology #enterovirus #translation
RNA virus translation & recombination: @CameronLabUNC reveal cap-independent #translation initiation of #enterovirus in the absence of eIF2α, identifying an upstream RNA element that enables initiation using non-canonical factors eIF2A/eIF2D #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3JsJXs7
#plosbiology #enterovirus #translation