We're #hiring an Enterprise Architect, who will be responsible for determining and implementing the technology infrastructure design needed to support and meet GÉANT's business goals.
📍Amsterdam 🇳🇱 / Cambridge 🇬🇧
Read more and apply: https://jobs.geant.org/vacancies/68/enterprise-architect.html
#EnterpriseArchitect #EnterpriseArchitecture #NLjobs #AmsterdamJobs #UKJobs #CambridgeJobs #jobs #job #Careers
#careers #Job #jobs #cambridgejobs #UKjobs #amsterdamjobs #nljobs #enterprisearchitecture #enterprisearchitect #Hiring #jobopportunity
Wenn der unmittelbare Schritt nach einer Factory ein Refactoring sein muss, dann fehlt mir da ein wenig zu den 100%, die ich erwarten würde, wenn mir jemand eine Factory verkaufen will. 🧐
Ja Sourcecode Templating sollte immer gut überlegt sein, mit all seinen Vor- und Nachteilen.
Aber nur die Nachteile zu belassen, ist jetzt auch nicht hilfreich. 🤔
You can’t run away from technical debt - You’re working for a company that has operated successfully in the market for several ... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3704233/you-cant-run-away-from-technical-debt.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisearchitecture #cloudarchitecture #cloudcomputing #itstrategy
#itstrategy #cloudcomputing #cloudarchitecture #enterprisearchitecture
Morgen geht es zu einem spannenden Termin zu einem Kick-off Workshop, um ein komplett neues Netzwerk mit neuen Rollen bei meinem neuen Arbeitgeber aufzubauen. Endlich treffe ich dabei auch einiges an Kollegen, die ich nur aus Mails, Chats oder Online Meetings kenne.
Bin gespannt 😀
#enterprisearchitecture #ea #itarchitecture
I'm wrapping up a class paper on the Federal Enterprise Architecture framework and part of the rubric requires that I include success stories on the use of the framework. Problem is, I can't find any. All the stuff about the #FEAF is *at least* a decade old and past the Obama admin nobody seems to care about it any more. Everybody talked a big game about it in 2001 but nobody followed up on how it made a project succeed or #government inter-agency communication better. #EnterpriseArchitecture
#feaf #government #enterprisearchitecture
Har lyckats relativt bra med att "bara prata på utdaning".
Sämre är det med att lyssna på bra musik.
Däremot har jag lyckats förklara för några att informationsstyrning just nu verkar vara ett hopkok av Information governance och data governance. Nyttigt att veta vad vi pratar om när vi pratar med varandra. Svårare än vad man kan tro. Vem hade kunnat ana att kommunikation var svårt? 🧙♂️ ☕
#EnterpriseArchitecture #EnterpriseArchitectur #Verksamhetsarkitektur
#enterprisearchitecture #enterprisearchitectur #verksamhetsarkitektur
Need to read this before arriving in the big city. Instead I'm daydreaming and listening to music from my youth.
#enterprisearchitecture #music #keepontrukin
Why platform engineering? - It wasn’t long ago when engineers configured systems manually. In those days, develope... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3694869/why-platform-engineering.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisearchitecture #softwaredevelopment #emergingtechnology #devops
#devops #emergingtechnology #softwaredevelopment #enterprisearchitecture
Repatriating cloud apps and data? Think it through - My January post on cloud repatriation seems to have struck some nerves. Indeed, I foun... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3694150/repatriating-cloud-apps-and-data-think-it-through.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisearchitecture #cloudarchitecture #cloudcomputing #datacenter
#datacenter #cloudcomputing #cloudarchitecture #enterprisearchitecture
Learn how to create a scalable and agile enterprise architecture to stay competitive in today's business landscape. In this post, I explore the benefits of scalable and agile enterprise architecture and provide tips for creating a successful one. #EnterpriseArchitecture #Scalability #Agility #Innovation #agile #architecture
#enterprisearchitecture #scalability #agility #innovation #agile #architecture
#Enterprisearchitecture, done right, can completely transform a #business, granting it the #resilience, flexibility, and agility it needs to compete effectively and capitalize on new market opportunities (not to mention threats). https://sprou.tt/1Ja1DBDBHUJ
#enterprisearchitecture #business #resilience
#ITByte: #EnterpriseArchitecture (EA) is a discipline that provides methods to define, organize, standardize, and document an organization’s architecture comprehensively in terms of various critical components such as its business, technical, physical, and organizational domains.
#enterprisearchitecture #itbyte
I’m mulling over a term that I think is probably a mystery to most people: Enterprise Architecture. Or even IT architecture more generally.
So here’s a pop quiz. Without googling, what does the term mean to you? Have you worked with an IT architect? What was it they did?
I’m looking forward to the replies on this one 😀
Just realised it’s been two weeks and I’ve never done an #introduction toot, so here we go!
I’m Gareth, but more commonly Gazz, owner of the Mastodon server Gamepad.club.
#Videogames: mostly #MMORPGs
- #WoW
- #GenshinImpact
- Mostly #dungeonsandragons
- learning #pathfinder
- #MagicTheGathering, mostly #mtgcommander
Other stuff:
- #PaintingMiniatures
- #RaspberryPi
- Parenting
- and more!
Dayjob - #EnterpriseArchitecture
#introduction #videogames #mmorpgs #ffxiv #wow #genshinimpact #ttrpgs #dungeonsandragons #pathfinder #tcgs #magicthegathering #mtgcommander #paintingminiatures #raspberrypi #enterprisearchitecture
I'm still fascinated, even after more than a decade, by Grady Booch's alternative metaphor for the structure and evolution of the software within an enterprise; that of a river and its surrounding ecosystem.
#SoftwareArchitecture #EnterpriseArchitecture #SoftwareCraftmanship #Innovation
#softwarearchitecture #enterprisearchitecture #softwarecraftmanship #innovation
Say, is it normal working in #enterprisearchitecture that you engage in all manner of extraneous activity?
Now, on my to-do list: organize workshops with a subsidiary to discuss operating models.
Which cloud workloads are right for repatriation? - Cloud repatriation may be a sensitive and polarizing topic for some, but it really sho... - https://www.infoworld.com/article/3686092/which-cloud-workloads-are-right-for-repatriation.html#tk.rss_all #enterprisearchitecture #cloudarchitecture #cloudcomputing #datacenter
#datacenter #cloudcomputing #cloudarchitecture #enterprisearchitecture
I am looking forward to what EU's regulation on AI will bring to the table.
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #EnterpriseArchitecture #computerscience #ComputerScientist #OpSec @EU_Commission
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #enterprisearchitecture #computerscience #computerScientist #opsec
I was reading this while eating breakfast. https://openai.com/blog/forecasting-misuse/
As always, my response to all talk about regulating a specific part of computer science is:
Ai and ML has already changed our epistemology and world views. This change will accelerate more for every year, month and week.
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #EnterpriseArchitecture #computerscience #ComputerScientist #OpSec @EU_Commission
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #enterprisearchitecture #computerscience #computerScientist #opsec
I was reading this while eating breakfast. https://openai.com/blog/forecasting-misuse/
As always my respond to all talk about regulating a specific part of computer science is:
Ai and ML has already changed our epistemology and world views. This change will accelerate more for every year, month and week.
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #EnterpriseArchitecture #computerscience #ComputerScientist #OpSec @EU_Commission
#europe #worldwiev #ai #datasciencist #datascience #EnterpriseArchitect #enterprisearchitecture #computerscience #computerScientist #opsec