Getting ready for #EC23 #EnterpriseConnect23 - can't wait to see everyone. Leaving at o'dark thirty but that'll help get me ready for the 7 AM EDT meetings (ugh!).
Looking forward to my session next week at #EC23 #EnterpriseConnect23 : #UCaaS Plus #CCaaS: What are the Use Cases, Where are the Hurdles? #ucoms #cctr #CX
#cx #cctr #ucoms #CCaaS #UCaaS #enterpriseconnect23 #ec23
#UCaaS Plus #CCaaS: What are the Use Cases, Where are the Hurdles? Getting ready for my session at #EnterpriseConnect23. Execting a great panel with @Genesys @GoTo @Vonage @RingCentral @nojitter @enterprisecon
#enterpriseconnect23 #CCaaS #UCaaS