I’m personally a fan of just about everything on #TheIncomparable podcast network though this past couple weeks I’ve been binging the incredibly insightful #StarTrek podcast #EnterpriseIncidents with Scott & Steve. I also love listening to entertaining/informative #Science and #History podcasts. A current fave is #YoureDeadToMe
#theincomparable #startrek #enterpriseincidents #Science #history #youredeadtome
Favorite/best #ScienceFiction #Fantasy and #Folklore podcasts?
Personally I’m a fan of just about everything on #TheIncomparable network, but I’ve lately been binging the amazingly insightful #StarTrek podcast #EnterpriseIncidents with Scott & Steve. (It’s not as though I have time to start a new one just now but recommendations are always appreciated.)
I also love listening to entertaining/informative #Science and #History podcasts. A current fave is #YoureDeadToMe
#sciencefiction #fantasy #folklore #theincomparable #startrek #enterpriseincidents #Science #history #youredeadtome
Been listening to the #EnterpriseIncidents podcast’s episode-by-episode recap of the original #StarTrek #TOS (superb podcast, btw) and just finished the one on Charlie X. As many times as I’ve rewatched the series over the years, I guess I’d never thought about how many highly evolved ultra-powerful species the writers put in the Federation’s little corner of the galaxy. Thasians, Metrons, Organians, the “Greek Gods,” Trelane’s people (is he a baby Q?) … and more come along in TNG.
#enterpriseincidents #startrek #tos