So I read this article from SCMagazine a moment ago and apparently it struck a nerve with me lol. Posted my thoughts on #LinkedIn since it has a much higher character count than #Toots permit on my instance 😬
Check it out! What do you thing? Am I just overly paranoid? Or am I right on target?
#ChatGPT #LLM #AGI #AI #Healthcare #HIPAA #BlockLLM #EnterpriseIT
#crosspost #linkedin #toots #chatgpt #LLM #agi #ai #healthcare #hipaa #blockllm #enterpriseit
We're releasing a new OIDC Proxy today for OpenFaaS for keyless deployment from GitHub Actions
And it's free to use for all actuated customers 🚀
#serverless #sbom #federation #enterpriseit #faas
#serverless #SBOM #federation #enterpriseit #faas
@Cisco has some catching up to do in full-stack #observability, analysts say, but it has a strong appeal to #enterpriseIT buyers as a trusted network and security vendor.
It's also pushing the boundaries of the #opentelemetry project to create a unified data collection and query system for its #APM #ITmonitoring and #securityautomation tools, including #AppDynamics, #ThousandEyes, #KennaSecurity, #Panoptica (formerly #Portshift) and more.
#observability #enterpriseit #opentelemetry #apm #itmonitoring #securityautomation #AppDynamics #thousandeyes #kennasecurity #panoptica #portshift