EnGenius announces the world’s first cloud Wi-Fi 7 access points for enterprise
The EnGenius ECW536, powered by the Qualcomm Networking Pro 1220, is the world’s first cloud-managed Wi-Fi 7 4×4×4 Wireless Access Point.
#technews #enterprisetech #wifi7 #wifi
#technews #enterprisetech #WiFi7 #wifi
Just Upgraded To PostgreSQL 15, Lets Have A Look
https://www.postgresql.org/about/news/postgresql-15-released-2526/ <-- release notes, Oct. ‘22
Just got PostgreSQL 15 installed, most I will never have a need for, but look forward to continuing to grow more into it as part of my applied science work with my team - and with the elephant looking down on me from the bookshelf, (very) quietly encouraging me to learn more and use more (as silly as that of course is!)
#GIS #spatial #mapping #appliedscience #useage #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #appliedscience #upgrade #postgreSQL #postgis #pgadmin #RDBMS #SQL #enterprisetech #enterprisedata #enterprisesolutions #database #science #team #work #gischat
#gis #spatial #mapping #appliedscience #useage #spatialdata #spatialanalysis #upgrade #PostgreSQL #postgis #pgadmin #rdbms #sql #enterprisetech #enterprisedata #enterprisesolutions #database #science #team #work #gischat
How long till you don’t feel angst and unhappiness when someone complains about a project you’re doing everything in your power to improve?
“We hear your input. We’ve been trying to fix it for three years. But in the mean time, just deal.”