Mine Nest · @minenest
23 followers · 18599 posts · Server channels.im
Mariachiara Marsella · @mariachiaramarsella
85 followers · 133 posts · Server mastodon.uno
Mine Nest · @minenest
22 followers · 17455 posts · Server channels.im
CryptoNewsBot · @cryptonewsbot
695 followers · 39063 posts · Server schleuss.online
SPIRIT(スピリット) · @ttt6
46 followers · 4182 posts · Server pawoo.net
SPIRIT(スピリット) · @tkt058
122 followers · 4473 posts · Server mstdn.jp

I am curious about and because I believe I have been using that search strategy myself for years, searching for connected search keywords to get the results I wanted to find in

In order to implement one need to research deeper in user behavior and intent...

What do you think search will look like in the near future...

@glenngabe @johnmu @simoncox @methode @rustybrick @fili

#seo #entity #google #intent #behavior #search #seoentity #research

Last updated 1 year ago

Xây dựng backlink tự động nhanh chóng và hiệu quả
GSA, viết tắt của "GSA Search Engine Ranker," là một công cụ phần mềm giúp đi backlink tự động cho các trang web. Nó là một trong những công cụ được ưa chuộng trong lĩnh vực SEO (tối ưu hóa công cụ tìm kiếm), được sử dụng để xây dựng liên kết đến một trang web từ các nguồn khác nhau trên Internet.
Nguồn bài viết: dichvuentityseocom.blogspot.co
Dịch vụ entity seo uy tín: dichvuentityseo.com/
seo entity seo

#entity #gia #dichvuentity

Last updated 1 year ago

VA' E VEDI · @vaevedi
12 followers · 53 posts · Server mastodon.uno
Steve Dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
6 followers · 819 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

Survey of encounter occasioned by inhaled N,N-dimethyltryptamine: , interpretation, and enduring effects

#entity #experiences #phenomenology

Last updated 1 year ago

Years ago, I had a moment of clarity.

Business information systems are composed of three kinds of things: entities, processes, and rules.

Processes are the verbs — the actions that operate on and orchestrate the interactions of business entities.

Learn more at cygnustechnologyservices.com/s

#business #entity #process #automation #bpmn #model #metis #rule #design #data #structure #microservice #api #ui #userinterface #component #diagram #technology #service #collaboration #agility #selfservice

Last updated 2 years ago

Clay T · @clayt
79 followers · 40 posts · Server mastodon.au

During research for my 2018 book Noisesome Ghosts, which focuses on and that have the ability to write or speak, I found an concentration of these rare & communicative entities in . In my 2020 article in Paranormal Review (95) I make the case for Glasgow as being the ghost capital of (if not the globe). The writing or speaking there include: the crisis of Bounce (a dog) which appeared to its former mistress in Glasgow & spoke in a human voice (1908), the anniversary of George Ferguson which gave details of its own murder (1913), a council estate where a made an accurate warning about a serious medical condition (1960s), the poltergeist: where a bed tapped out the tune of ‘The Dead March’ (1974-1975), the case of John Adams: which included effects and possession (1970s, 1990s), the East End, Glasgow poltergeist: where electronic voice phenomena () were recorded (1990s), the of airline Captain Robert D. Macleod that accompanied its own dead body through Glasgow airport & spoke to colleagues (1995), poltergeist phenomena at a twenty-first century building re-development which included responsive raps & an screaming “GET OUT!” at a researcher & the poltergeist where an entity terrorised a young family & traced letters in flour (2011-2012).

#ghosts #poltergeists #uncanny #glasgow #scotland #entities #apparition #phantom #glaswegian #haunting #spirit #balornock #poltergeist #demonic #evp #ghost #entity #kirkintilloch

Last updated 2 years ago

It's interesting when we talk about Entities in spiritual classes and circles.

I then will pivot and bring in the concept of the portion of the brain, in psychology, that we call the "Id".

Then I will pivot to a conversation on what we consider our sense of identity and what identities themselves are.

Then. I might ask them to spell the word Identity

Then, for those still paying attention, I pivot back to the reality that they themselves are creating their own entity of themselves.

You are not yourself. You have a self you project.

Are you subjugating your being to yourself and your projections of self?

Are you in control of yourself? Or is your self in control of you? Or are you out of control and unconscious of your being?

There is an art, if you will, to what being selfless truly means.

#entity #id #identity #consciousness #self #selfless #projections

Last updated 2 years ago

Antonio · @angallo
62 followers · 652 posts · Server mastodonbooks.net

"A man said to the universe: Sir I exist! "However" replied the universe, "the fact has not created in me a sense of obligation."

The is a vast and mysterious that is governed by its own set of laws and principles. Its response to the man's statement is a reminder that it does not have any moral obligation to acknowledge or respond to him. The universe is indifferent to the man's existence, and it does not feel any obligation to recognize or reward him for it.

#universe #entity #openaianswers

Last updated 2 years ago

I'm all for people using the pronouns they feel the need to. Though. It's crucial we comprehend that we are not the labels, themselves, that we or others use for us. We are the being that may be using those things.

Society is subjugating itself to its self. We are not our - selves. We have a self that we project. We are the beings that project a self from the physicality we manifest within this incarnation.

We are not even our identity to begin with.

#id #entity #identity #pronouns #labels #attachment #freespirit

Last updated 2 years ago

Khalid ⚡ · @khalidabuhakmeh
1963 followers · 3230 posts · Server mastodon.social

How to use Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core - A beginner's guide from start to end to getting ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core working together.




#blog #development #programming #dotnet #aspnetcore #entity

Last updated 2 years ago

Rajeev Kumar · @drupler
105 followers · 363 posts · Server bihar.social

A custom content entity can significantly improve our Drupal application's functionality and user experience. It gives us the creative flexibility to manipulate and mould your application's data structure to our heart's desire as a geek.

So, if you are a seasoned software engineer specializing in Drupal, use custom content entities and unleash the full potential of Drupal as Content Management Framework in your next project!

2/2 of 🧵

#drupal #architecture #entity #softwarearchitecture #CMS #cmf #php #symfony #OpenSource #performance #optimisation

Last updated 2 years ago

Baltasar Cevc · @baltasar
29 followers · 80 posts · Server mastodon.social

@transparency posted a video explaining why registers showing the of a legal are important.
Background: the noted is a reason against such registers—so we quickly need to find the good middle grounds.

For everybody interested, here's the video (unfortunately, I only found a link on YT):

#BeneficialOwner #entity #cjeu #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Knowledge Zone · @kzoneind
125 followers · 429 posts · Server mstdn.social