Ja, #AzureAD heisst jetzt #Entra, bis zum nächsten Umbenennungs-Hirnfurz... War ja etabliert, da muss man es ändern.... #LebenInDerIT
Entra ID Security: rendere sicuri gli accessi alle nostre identità digitali
In questa sessione verranno mostrate tutte le novità introdotte da Entra ID (Azure AD) per migliorare la sicurezza degli accessi da parte degli utenti. MFA, #passwordless, authentication strenght e accesso condizionale sono ormai indispensabili per garantire un accesso sicuro alle nostre identità digitali. In più verranno annunciate le novità relative alla famiglia #Microsoft #Entra, con un… https://www.ictpower.it/video/powercon2023-evento-online-del-14-luglio-nicola-ferrini-entra-id-security-rendere-sicuri-gli-accessi-alle-nostre-identita-digitali.htm?swcfpc=1
#passwordless #microsoft #entra
#POWERCON2023 – evento online del 14 luglio – Nicola Ferrini – Entra ID Security: rendere sicuri gli accessi alle nostre identità digitali
https://www.ictpower.it/video/powercon2023-evento-online-del-14-luglio-nicola-ferrini-entra-id-security-rendere-sicuri-gli-accessi-alle-nostre-identita-digitali.htm #msentra #entra #azuread #sicurezza #cybersecurity
#powercon2023 #msentra #entra #azuread #sicurezza #cybersecurity
[BLOG] What's Azure Active Directory cross-tenant synchronization? #Entra #AzureAD #Multitenant #Microsoft365 #Crosstenant #Collaboration #Communication
#entra #azuread #multitenant #Microsoft365 #crosstenant #collaboration #communication
Azure ADが名称変更!? そもそもADとどう違うの??
#Microsoft #ActiveDirectory #AzureAD #Entra
#microsoft #activedirectory #azuread #entra
#Microsoft says a “token validation issue” allowed a consumer token to be used with enterprise #email.
Sounds like a hugely unfortunate code cut-and-paste that calls all of #Azure AD authn (or #Entra or whatever) into question.
#microsoft #email #azure #entra
Tra gli annunci fatti ieri sul Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Blog, oltre al cambio di nome da Microsoft Azure AD a Microsoft Entra ID, sono stati anche annunciati due servizi davvero interessanti per quanto riguarda la sicurezza delle connessioni e degli accessi ai nostri sistemi informatici: Microsoft Entra Internet Access e Microsoft Entra Private Access.
#Microsoft #Entra Internet Access isola il traffico verso le applicazioni e le risorse di Microsoft 365, come Exchange Online e SharePoint…
Sono state tante le novità annunciate ieri sul #Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Blog ed in particolare è stato annunciato il cambio di nome da Microsoft Azure AD a Microsoft Entra ID. Cambia solo il nome e tutte le caratteristiche e le funzionalità rimarranno disponibili.
https://www.ictpower.it/cloud/azure-ad-diventa-microsoft-entra-id.htm #azuread #entraid #entra
#microsoft #azuread #entraid #entra
#Microsoft has one of the absolute worst #marketing departments on the face of the planet. Don't believe me? Check this out. Bye #Azure AD, hello #Entra
#microsoft #marketing #azure #entra
#Microsoft announced today that it would change the name of its #Azure #ActiveDirectory (#AzureAD) enterprise identity service to Microsoft #EntraID by the end of the year.
#Entra Internet Access is used to secure public-facing web services, allowing admins to restrict visitors through Conditional Access. Entra Private Access is #VPN-like service that allows remote access to internal, private #corporate resources.
#microsoft #azure #activedirectory #azuread #entraid #entra #vpn #corporate
CTRL-H time, folks. Expect rebranding will also means it will be <deep breath> Microsoft Entra ID Connect Cloud Sync https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/azure-ad-is-becoming-microsoft-entra-id/ba-p/2520436 #Entra #AzureAD
So #Microsoft is renaming #AzureAD to Microsoft #Entra. Nothing else changes, just the name. So many blogs, videos, etc. will become less discoverable. Microsoft is truly the worst for naming.
So #Microsoft is renaming #AzureAD to Microsoft #Entra. Nothing else changes, just the name. So many blogs,videos,etc. will become less discoverable. Microsoft is truly the worst for naming.
So #Microsoft is renaming #AzureAD to Microsoft #Entra. Nothing else changes, just the same. So many blogs,videos,etc. will become less discoverable. Microsoft is truly the worst for naming.
**New name for Azure Active Directory**
"To unify the Microsoft Entra product family, reflect the progression to modern multicloud identity security, and simplify secure access experiences for all, we're renaming Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Microsoft Entra ID."
#Microsoft #AzureAD #Azure #Entra #EntraID
#microsoft #azuread #azure #entra #entraid
👉 What enforces your security boundary today? What will enforce it in the next few years? For many years, Microsoft Active Directory has been the backbone of network authentication, identity, and connection. But for many organizations moving to cloud applications, the need for cloud-based network management is on the rise. So, it’s time to envisage switching from traditional Active Directory to Azure AD! #ZeroTrust #ModernIdentity #Entra
#zerotrust #modernidentity #entra
Today, @benstegink@twitter.com and @ciphertxt@twitter.com discuss the upcoming deprecation of remote #PowerShell sessions for #ExchangeOnline, changes to how you'll get to #AzureAD using #Entra, and how to enable the new #MicrosoftTeams client. #Podcast https://bit.ly/411PpHM
#powershell #exchangeonline #azuread #entra #microsoftteams #podcast