German Dada is like French Dada, only meaner, and with more bold-type font, if you ask me ...
#silentflickersunday #entracte
Interesting historical Dada factoid; Vladimir Lenin lived a couple of doors down from the Cabaret Voltaire while in exile in Zurich. I think that would be a great premise for a sitcom about neighbors who HATE each other!
#silentflickersunday #entracte
Magritte: Who's messin around with cannons?!?!
#silentflickersunday #entracte
@analgesicsleep Taking some Anti-Artistic License!
#silentflickersunday #entracte
When it comes to potential origins for the name of the Dada anti-art movement, I’ve always been fond of the one that says Richard Huelsenbeck stabbed a French dictionary and the knife landed on the word “dada,” or “hobbyhorse.” My personal Dadaist group that I created in my 20s was called Name of Organization, because I couldn’t think of a name for the organization when writing the manifesto.
#silentflickersunday #entracte
“On second thought, let’s not go to the Cabaret Voltaire … ‘tis a silly place …”
#silentflickersunday #entracte #montypythonandtheholygrail
Here’s some conventional art inspired by an unconventional film that was part of an unconventional art movement! (Authentic Dada fan art for this film would be writing “Entr’acte” on a plastic cup then setting it on fire while swearing at it in a variety of languages, or something similar …)
#silentflickersunday #entracte