iX-Workshop: Lokales Active Directory gegen Angriffe absichern
Lernen Sie, wie Sie Angriffe auf das lokale Active Directory Ihres Unternehmens sicher erkennen und effektiv verhindern können. Frühbucherrabatt bis 26.09.
#entraid #cybersecurity #microsoftazure #security #news
Gestohlener Microsoft-Schlüssel stammte aus einem Crash-Dump
Angreifer konnten mit gestohlenem Schlüssel weitreichend auf Cloud-Ressourcen von Microsoft zugreifen. Der Schlüssel kam wohl aus einem Crash-Dump.
#CrashDetection #EntraID #Microsoft #Security #Sicherheitslücken
#verpasstodon #crashdetection #entraid #microsoft #security #sicherheitslucken
Gestohlener Microsoft-Schlüssel stammte aus einem Crash-Dump
Angreifer konnten mit gestohlenem Schlüssel weitreichend auf Cloud-Ressourcen von Microsoft zugreifen. Der Schlüssel kam wohl aus einem Crash-Dump.
#entraid #microsoft #security #sicherheitslucken #news
iX-Workshop: Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) gegen Angriffe absichern
Lernen Sie, wie Sie Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) einschließlich Azure-Dienste härten und effektiv gegen Angriffe schützen. Last Call
#microsoftazure #entraid #cybersecurity #news
Cross-Tenant Access Settings Improvements! https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/cross-tenant-access-settings-improvements/ba-p/3822036 #entraid #azuread #identity
Microsoft hat den Namen von Azure AD (Azure Active Directory) in "Entra ID" geändert! #microsoft #azuread #entraid - offenbar haben schon zu viele von Azure AD gewußt ;-)
Coming Soon – Platform SSO for macOS https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/coming-soon-platform-sso-for-macos/ba-p/3902280 #entraid #azuread #identity
iX-Workshop: Zentrale Authentifizierung mit Entra ID (Azure Active Directory)
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Entra ID (bisher Azure Active Directory) als Cloud-basierten Authentifizierungsdienst einsetzen und hybride Identitäten sicher verwalten.
#identitymanagement #entraid #systemverwaltung #news
Microsoft Entra Private Access: An Identity-Centric Zero Trust Network Access Solution https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/microsoft-entra-private-access-an-identity-centric-zero-trust/ba-p/3905451 #entraid #azuread #identity
"It's simple, just replace Azure AD with Entra ID". Except when it comes to #Microsoft product renaming, nothing ever is truly simple.😅
This morning I tried to figure out how #AzureAD security groups should officially be called in the #EntraID world. Because the product UI updates in #PowerPlatform admin center didn't look right.
More thoughts over on LI: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jukkaniiranen_entraid-microsoft-powerplatform-activity-7101838690515062784-1pBm
#PowerPlatform #entraid #azuread #Microsoft
Molte aziende hanno la necessità di automatizzare l’enrollment dei dispositivi Windows appena acquistati in Entra ID e quindi anche in Microsoft Intune. Anche se la soluzione migliore è l’utilizzo di Windows Autopilot, di cui ho avuto ampiamente modo di scrivere, oggi voglio proporvi una soluzione alternativa tramite l’utilizzo dello strumento gratuito Windows Configuration Designer.
https://www.ictpower.it/cloud/utilizzare-windows-configuration-designer-per-il-bulk-enrollment-dei-dispositivi-windows-in-entra-id-e-microsoft-intune.htm #entraid #intune #msintune
Introducing a New Flexible Way of Bringing Identities from Any Source into Microsoft Entra ID! https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/introducing-a-new-flexible-way-of-bringing-identities-from-any/ba-p/2466927 #entraid #azuread #identity
EntraExporter Tool Exports Details of an Entra ID Tenant
The EntraExporter toolis a PowerShell module that generates details of objects in an Entra ID tenant configuration (like groups, policies, and users) and creates JSON files. It’s a great way to capture point-in-time information about Entra ID (Azure AD) configuration. Although you can’t replay the captured data to recreate objects, having all the information available is a great start if you need to restore or replay anything.
#Microsoft365 #AzureAD #EntraID
#Microsoft365 #azuread #entraid
Conditional Access for Protected Actions is Now Generally Available! https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/conditional-access-for-protected-actions-is-now-generally/ba-p/3888723 #entraid #azuread #identity
What’s new with Microsoft Entra ID Protection https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/what-s-new-with-microsoft-entra-id-protection/ba-p/3773132 #entraid #azuread #identity
Entra ID login to a CIS Hardened Linux Azure Virtual Machine.
Currently, CIS images do not support being Entra ID Joined. However, we can login to the CIS hardened image using the Microsoft Azure AD-based SSH Login extension.
Sono state tante le novità annunciate ieri sul #Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) Blog ed in particolare è stato annunciato il cambio di nome da Microsoft Azure AD a Microsoft Entra ID. Cambia solo il nome e tutte le caratteristiche e le funzionalità rimarranno disponibili.
https://www.ictpower.it/cloud/azure-ad-diventa-microsoft-entra-id.htm #azuread #entraid #entra
#microsoft #azuread #entraid #entra
#Microsoft announced today that it would change the name of its #Azure #ActiveDirectory (#AzureAD) enterprise identity service to Microsoft #EntraID by the end of the year.
#Entra Internet Access is used to secure public-facing web services, allowing admins to restrict visitors through Conditional Access. Entra Private Access is #VPN-like service that allows remote access to internal, private #corporate resources.
#microsoft #azure #activedirectory #azuread #entraid #entra #vpn #corporate
Everyone with "Azure AD" in their domain, repositories, blogs, slidedecks, manuscript or other documentation
#AzureAD #EntraID https://twitter.com/mderooij/status/1678852029429555200/photo/1
Bye bye #AzureAD, hello #EntraID https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-entra-azure-ad-blog/azure-ad-is-becoming-microsoft-entra-id/ba-p/2520436