#authentication, #blockchains, #distributedledgers, #Entrust, #nChain, #patents, #smartcontracts
nChain and Entrust Smart Contract and Blockchain Patents (Managing Rights Mangagement)
#authentication #blockchains #distributedledgers #entrust #nchain #patents #SmartContracts
🤔 Announcing #AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) - AWS KMS developed the XKS specification with feedback from several #HSM and key management,# leaders:Atos #Entrust# #Fortanix #HashiCorp #Salesforce #Thales and T-Systems. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-aws-kms-external-key-store-xks/ #infosec
#aws #HSM #entrust #fortanix #HashiCorp #salesforce #Thales #infosec
🤔 Announcing #AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) - AWS KMS developed the XKS specification with feedback from several #HSM, key management, and integration service providers, including #Atos #Entrust# #Fortanix #HashiCorp #Salesforce #Thales and T-Systems. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-aws-kms-external-key-store-xks/ #infosec
#aws #HSM #atos #entrust #fortanix #HashiCorp #salesforce #Thales #infosec
🤔 Announcing #AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) - AWS KMS developed the XKS specification with feedback from several #HSM, key management, and integration service providers, including #Atos #Entrust# #Fortanix #HashiCorp #Salesforce #Thales and T-Systems. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-aws-kms-external-key-store-xks/ #infosec
#aws #HSM #atos #entrust #fortanix #HashiCorp #salesforce #Thales #infosec
🤔 Announcing #AWS KMS External Key Store (XKS) - AWS KMS developed the XKS specification with feedback from several #HSM, key management, and integration service providers, including #Atos #Entrust# #Fortanix #HashiCorp #Salesforce #Thales and T-Systems. https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/announcing-aws-kms-external-key-store-xks/ #infosec
#aws #HSM #atos #entrust #fortanix #HashiCorp #salesforce #Thales #infosec