Legacy of racist US housing policies extends even to bird data
"....Ellis-Soto and his team studied bird sightings in more than 9,000 neighbourhoods, covering almost 200 US cities....
“You can better predict where you have data on birds based on systemic racism — redlining maps from 1933 — than climate, tree cover or population density, everything a bird should actually care about”
#EnvironmentalStudies #EnvHist #HistSTM #Biodiversity #Sociology
#EnvironmentalStudies #envhist #histstm #biodiversity #sociology
"Ultimately, by introducing oil palm to Central America, United Fruit's crop diversification project served to replace one #monoculture with another."
"Beyond Bananas: The United Fruit Company and Agricultural “Diversification”"
#monoculture #agriculturalhistory #envhist #histodons
The #GOP doesn't need to destroy the #SierraClub -- progressive infighting will do it.
The #SierraClub has definitely lost its way. Moving its HQ to Washington is a sign of that. Very unfortunate.
#gop #sierraclub #environmentalism #envhist
The Tallinn Prize Committee and @esehnextgate@twitter.com received wonderful PhD theses in European #envhist
Congratulations to the winner @WouldAlice, the finalists Önder Eren Akgül, Lisa Cronjäger, Wout Saelens and all the other submissions.
St Andrews Article Prize 2023 Awards in #envhist :
🐫Congrats to Winner Efrat Gilad & Eugene Costello for the Honorable Mention, and all applicants!
And thanks to Tomasz Samojlik, cartoonist of the ESEH Article Prize!
Congratulations @AbigailAgresta@twitter.com!
"The Keys to Bread and Wine" (Cornell UP 2022) is the winner of the 2023 ESEH @CarsonCenter
Turku award in European #envhist
Check the shortlisted titles too:
Out with Parergon, Guy Geltner, "Ecological Impacts and Environmental Perceptions of Mining in Europe, 1200-1550: Preliminary Notes".
Article here: https://muse.jhu.edu/pub/62/article/905418
AAM here: https://osf.io/preprints/bodoarxiv/rkduw/
#environment #envhist #history #historyofscience #mining #mininghistory #ecology #preindustrial
#environment #envhist #history #historyofscience #mining #mininghistory #ecology #preindustrial
Am Internationalen Tag gegen Luftverschmutzung verweisen wir auf unsere aktuelle #WerkstattGeschichte 87/2023 "reizende gerüche"; im Thementeil, hg. v. Benjamin Brendel, geht es im Kontext der Geschichte kultureller & sozialer Konstruktion olfaktorischer Wahrnehmungen u.a. auch um #Geruchsbelästigung durch #Luftverschmutzung:
▶️ https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/reizende-gerueche
@histodons @historikerinnen
@envhist @envhum @sms @wrtullett
#WorldCleanAirDay #SmellHistory #envhum #envhist #Umweltgeschichte #histodons
#werkstattgeschichte #geruchsbelastigung #luftverschmutzung #WorldCleanAirDay #smellhistory #envhum #envhist #umweltgeschichte #histodons
Now up to 516 items (including several from 2023 alone!), our shared Coastal Studies / Coastal History library on Zotero is right here: www.zotero.org/groups/25030... . Just added something stray from back in 2021, it appeared in the journal Comparative Literature so it wasn't on our radar. #BlueHumanities #CoastalStudies #CoastalHistory #histodons #envhist
#bluehumanities #coastalstudies #coastalhistory #histodons #envhist
Got the opportunity to do a little environmental storytelling today! #envhist #histodons #TCD #dublin
#envhist #histodons #TCD #dublin
My latest publication is open access now—an analysis of frontier mythos, masculinity, and hidden corporate landscapes in the TV show Gold Rush. You can find it in this great new volume “To the Last Drop” on sentimentality, culture, and extraction. Link to my article and the TOC are below. #envhist #envhum #mininghistory
#envhist #envhum #mininghistory
More than 4 million images of pressed flowers from around the world here, lots of different ways to search the collection, no paywall. This epic digitization project, which required a conveyor belt to keep the scanning going, was just completed in 2022 by the U.S. National Herbarium and the Smithsonian. #gardening #botany #bloomscrolling #envhist #histodons
#gardening #botany #bloomscrolling #envhist #histodons
This is an excellent gateway into environmental history for anyone interested in getting an intellectual scaffolding. What makes Guha's work strong is that it shows the movement as a global conversation. Probably its main flaw is that it was written in the late 90s / early 00 and has not been updated in a while. But still, one needs to start somewhere!
#ecology #environment #books #envhum #history #envhist
A very well-done story from the #NYT about #groundwater extraction and the drying out of #aquifers. Excellent graphics!
#nyt #groundwater #aquifers #environment #climatechange #climate #envhist
How 19th-century pineapple plantations turned Maui into a tinderbox - The Guardian. #aghist #envhist https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/aug/27/maui-wildfire-water-plantations-ecology
Call for papers: upcoming workshops on 1970s climate change discourse and research. For OCR pdfs: bit.ly/44mBU6D; bit.ly/45DJ1sw #HistSci #EnvHum #EnvHist #HistSTM #ClimHist #wxhistory #twitterstorians
@ManCHSTM @iuhpst_dhst @NorthernEnviro3 @HistMeteorology
#histsci #envhum #envhist #histstm #climhist #wxhistory #twitterstorians
Looking for a good #podcast? I chatted with #AmasiaCapital's Ramanan Raghavendran about my new book, #Profit: An #EnvHist for their "In Our Hands" podcast series. It's in two parts:
Part two:
Check them out!
#podcast #amasiacapital #profit #envhist #capitalism #environment #histodons #politybooks
#NiCHE has included #Profit: An #Environmental #History on its "10 Reads to Problematize the Anthropocene": "paints a rich picture of consumer capitalism and its indelible impact on the planet."
#niche #profit #environmental #history #envhist #capitalism #histodons
Testers of one of the #tin #mining #engine houses known as The Crowns, which cling to the #cliffs at Botallack, #Cornwall. #NineteenthCentury #IndustrialArchaeology #EnvHist #Linocut #Lino #NationalTrust #Ruins
#ruins #nationaltrust #lino #linocut #envhist #industrialarchaeology #nineteenthCentury #cornwall #cliffs #engine #mining #tin