But what about the Theory of ?

We're kidding. Great post.

The only main comparative advantages are climate-based or based on and geography. The rest is largely about and propensity for in our view.

Wonder what 's view on Comp'Adv would be? ;)

Let's bring on the change we want to see in the world.

#ComparativeAdvantage #geology #labourExploitation #environmentalAbuses #MichaelParenti

Last updated 5 years ago

Thankyou for you introduction.

It's time to , , tax wealthy land holders, and provide a (or ).

In Australia, our say we need to in the of and - and we can't do that while increasing our .

The elite have been getting away with , and for too many decades - we can turn things around :)

#getLocal #decentralise #univeralBasicIncome #ubi #DickSmith #Rethink #endlessGrowth #consumption #resources #energy #population #cronycapitalism #workerExploitation #environmentalAbuses #together

Last updated 5 years ago