The Supreme Court Is Crippling Environmental Protections. Where Is Congress?
#NYTimes #SupremeCourt #Congress #EnvironmentalProtections #ClimateChange #PoliticalInaction #Politics #News
#nytimes #supremecourt #congress #environmentalProtections #climatechange #politicalinaction #politics #news
Before anyone votes for Pierre Poilievre, we could review some of the reasons why we were willing to vote for anyone but Harper in 2015.
Harper, Serial Abuser of Power: The Evidence Compiled | The Tyee #cdnpoli #harper #abuse #china #healthcare #EnvironmentalProtections
#cdnpoli #harper #abuse #china #healthcare #environmentalProtections
It all depends on what they are producing. If you like and believe it is important you will strive to do it well, regardless.
Working conditions are important, including #workLifeBalance. Similarly #environmentalProtections are important.
Its why for literally years we were calling out to keep our #productiveIndustries and #valueAdded here in #Australia, even before we became DSFGS, and why a bit of #protectionism is healthy.
#workLifeBalance #environmentalProtections #productiveIndustries #valueAdded #australia #protectionism
"#China something something"
Dear Military Industrial Cronyist Intelligence Media Academia Think-tank Complex (#MICIMAT)
Where were you when real #progressives and #conservatives were were decrying the nonexistent #workerProtections, #environmentalProtections, the use of #endangeredSpecies and #illicitSubstances in #pharmaceuticals, the loss of a productive capacity in the local regions, #workerAbuses, #diseases in #imported #seafood, the fundamental problems of #5G, #IOT and #BigData?
#china #MICIMAT #progressives #conservatives #workerProtections #environmentalProtections #endangeredspecies #illicitSubstances #pharmaceuticals #workerAbuses #diseases #imported #seafood #5g #iot #bigdata