After the #ToryFascistDictatorship forced #RSPB england to apologise or lose charity status, the #NationalTrust also stepped in on the #EnvironmentalVandalism happening on our #Rivers, #Oceans and #WaterWays
A petition (not much use I know but it's something) from #NationalTrust to hold the #TorySewageParty to account.
Need 100k and over 87k right now - make it higher if you can.
Perhaps some in #JoinIn might sign.
#JoinIn #TorySewageParty #waterways #oceans #rivers #environmentalVandalism #nationaltrust #RSPB #ToryFascistDictatorship
The plastic lawn backlash: why people are pulling up their fetid fake grass | Gardens | The Guardian
#fakegrass #environment #environmentalharm #plasticgrass #Environmentalvandalism #artificialLawn
#artificialLawn #environmentalVandalism #plasticgrass #environmentalharm #Environment #FakeGrass
Inside #Cadia, the #NSW #goldmine at the centre of an #environmental #catastrophe #environmentalVandalism #leadpoisoning
#cadia #nsw #goldmine #environmental #catastrophe #environmentalVandalism #leadpoisoning
Govt is mandating that all old Zorro #DVDs be destroyed for featuring 'Z' iconography.
People who trade in their old #Zorro disks will get a free HDTV and copy of the revised #Yorro films. Which uses the lastest in AI technology to digitally replace references to Zorro with Yorro.
That's our best #fakeNews of the day.
#revisionist revisionism #memoryHole #environmentalVandalism #moneyPrinterGoDrr
#dvds #zorro #Yorro #fakenews #Revisionist #memoryHole #environmentalVandalism #moneyPrinterGoDrr
Its nice to know that #ElonMusk can diversify into #CoalSeamGas (ie. #fracking) and because he is a big donor to #NGO corporations they won't speak up about it.
#fossilFuels #coalSeamGas #CSG #environmentalVandal #environmentalVandalism #earthquakes #dirtyEnergy #greenWashing #openWashing #corruption #sierraClub #climateChange #NGOs #riggedEconomy #neoFeudalism #robberBarons #corporateState #howVeryKeynesian
#elonmusk #coalSeamGas #fracking #ngo #fossilfuels #csg #environmentalVandal #environmentalVandalism #earthquakes #dirtyEnergy #greenwashing #openwashing #corruption #sierraclub #climatechange #ngos #riggedeconomy #neofeudalism #robberBarons #corporateState #HowVeryKeynesian
Just forget that the #USAustralia relationship has been an #abusiveRelationship, built on lies (see the past 20 years), #coups (see #KevinRudd) and #environmentalVandalism.
#imprisonList #johnHoward #refugeeAbuse #borderAbuse #rupertMurdoch #electionInterference #journalistAbuse #wikileaks #AfghanistanLies #iraqLies
#USAustralia #abusiveRelationship #coups #KevinRudd #environmentalVandalism #ImprisonList #JohnHoward #refugeeAbuse #borderAbuse #rupertmurdoch #electioninterference #journalistAbuse #wikileaks #AfghanistanLies #iraqLies
2/2β¦#environmentalVandalism, #nuclearEnergy (note we mine #uranium here in Australia), #GhostCities, #overdevelopment, #pollutionβ¦ and much more.
We lamented these and other abuses and the #extremelyWealthy labelled us #racist or flatly ignored us, rather than reducing #Australia's dependence on China. Now many smooth-talking #westerners have been booted out of China and #HongKong and they want you on their side.
Keep this firmly in your mind.
You are being played by the wealthy yet again.
#environmentalVandalism #nuclearEnergy #Uranium #GhostCities #overdevelopment #pollution #extremelyWealthy #racist #australia #westerners #hongkong
There's a saying: #MotherNatureBatsLast.
When we #degrade our living #environment. When we pursue #environmentalVandalism, #overdevelopment, #hedonism and #extremeConsumption over #ethical choices...
#MotherNatureBatsLast #degrade #environment #environmentalVandalism #overdevelopment #hedonism #extremeConsumption #ethical #mother #nature #bats #LAST
Now just think, today those who are #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein, #sociopaths, #warCriminals and #frackers are the ones getting tens of billions of newly minted #fiatCurrency from the #bankers everyday.
#centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantillonEffect #CIA #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism
#friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #sociopaths #warcriminals #frackers #fiatCurrency #bankers #centralBanking #whyIBitcoin #GIABO #cantilloneffect #cia #lostTrillions #savers #warOnSavers #environmentalVandalism