· @rood
50 followers · 696 posts · Server aus.social

Not totally convinced current ad hoc farming, 4x4, fishing, and woodcutter lifestyles aren't just the human version of termites.

#tragedyofcommons #globaldestruction #environmentalVandals

Last updated 2 years ago

Neferure · @Neferure
228 followers · 332 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

The Russian occupiers are destroying the ecosystem around the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

Російські окупанти знищують екосистему навколо Запорізької АЕС

livingplanet.org.ua/novuny/ros (in Ukrainian)

Due to the mass death of fish and animals, the situation around the Zaporizhzhia NPP is on the verge of a nuclear and ecological disaster.

#Zaporizhzhia #nucleardisaster #nuclear #redbook #extinction #ecology #environmentalVandals #nuclearterrorism #russianworld #russiainvadedukraine

Last updated 2 years ago

The really does tell us everything we need to know about how forcedNews operates.

How many -produced 'documentaries' are going to be forceFed to us.

Russia Today had on some very prolific authors and thinkers like , and MiddleEastern commentators of often a *real* progressive persuasion, a *UBI proponents like of the institute, lawyers fighting and of and more.

Dark days.

#RTBan #cia #rt #johnpilger #latinamerican #guyStanding #BIEN #environmental #environmentalVandals #poisoning #workingclass

Last updated 3 years ago

Hearing about how over-leveraged (read: over-) in are being forced to sell their at huge discounts warms our cold, cold heart.

They want govt support.

The places they built are awful — they should probably go to prison as to pay off the .

#invested #investors #china #investments #environmentalVandals #debt #overdevelopment #overshoot #ImprisonList #realestate #property #housing #PropertyCouncil #australia #auspol

Last updated 3 years ago

While on the whole we agree that is important, and can be misleading. We a sorry to annouce that a great many Australians are and opportunitistic theives who greedily steal from past and future generations, simulateously.

Having said that the majority are good, at least in 2007 when we voted for . Alas he only lasted three years before the corporate .

#rhetoric #environmentalVandals #KevinRudd #coup #corporatecoup #bitcoinfixesthis #saveSavers

Last updated 3 years ago

Part of the reason the dump, failed was it risked 's image so they are probably attacking that.

The play a very long game. They are possibly the worst of all the , on the planet.

No self respecting person would buy from if they can avoid them. Just one example of how the destroys and lives.


#nuclearwaste #SouthAustralia #cleanGreen #nuclearIndustry #environmentalVandals #driedApricots #turkey #govtSupportedNuclearIndustry #agriculture #chernobyl #cronyism

Last updated 4 years ago

Yes this problem is often referred to as the . Most are just good at convincing people to for less, and .

In we have a resource called . Its a that lists and the they are operated by, it informs the user of any known breaches of . It might help you in the country you're in.

Try searching for:
"<BRAND>" "shop ethical"


#racetothebottom #CEOs #workHarder #environmentalVandals #australia #shopEthical #website #brands #corporations #ethics

Last updated 4 years ago

It is vital that we create robust systems that can hold abusers and to account.

Part of this can involve at your community level. Some of it can be in a globally community, like .

However you do it you should protect yourself and stay safe.

Get ,

Engage with powerholders, and Disobey.


#decentralised #humanrights #environmentalVandals #organising #local #distributed #libresoftware #NEOED #deleteTheJeffreyEpsteinClass #deleteCentralBanks

Last updated 4 years ago