Nature groups prepared to ‘mobilise’ members over UK climate policy | #Environmentalactivism
#PlasticWaste #EnvironmentalActivism #MicroPlastics
More good news today… Hope for our future for continued use & recycling HDPE.
"Scientists at… DOE Institute for Cooperative Upcycling of Plastics have developed a new method for recycling HDPE. Using a novel catalytic approach, iCOUP scientists from DOE’s Argonne National Laboratory and Cornell University transformed waste HDPE plastic into a new material that can be recycled repeatedly without loss of quality."
#plasticwaste #environmentalactivism #microplastics
#ReadMyBlog #PlasticWaste #EnvironmentalActivism #NetZero #SaveOurOceans #MicroPlastics #CleanOurOceans
Floating 8th Continent
Some articles are so well written that they need little comment.
I find is a trove of good optimistic news.
Give them a lick.
Other environmental and ecological stories on my blog: SR+ An IngeniousVortex - Creative thinking, memory lane and finding ways for each to impact those loved, our lives and environment.
#readmyblog #plasticwaste #environmentalactivism #netzero #saveouroceans #microplastics #cleanouroceans
#ReadMyBlog #PlasticWaste #EnvironmentalActivism #NetZero#SaveOurOceans #MicroPlastics #CleanOurOceans
Floating 8th Continent
Some articles are so well written that they need very little comment.
I find is a trove of good optimistic news. Give them a lick.
Other environmental and ecological stories on my blog: SR+ An IngeniousVortex Creative thinking, memory lane and finding ways for each to impact those loved, our lives and environment
#readmyblog #plasticwaste #environmentalactivism #netzero #microplastics #cleanouroceans
#Environment #EnvironmentalActivism #ecology
What can we do to lessen our negative footprint on earth?
Maybe visit around a bit.
A huge difference can be made if we each take the time and effort to educate ourselves and make changes.
"Consumer’s Guide to Reducing Pollution
A surprising amount of pollution starts at home. The car you drive, the household and personal care products you buy, the chemicals…"
Give it a lick:
#environment #environmentalactivism #ecology
#Environment #Nature #EnvironmentalActivism
"The day to night cycle is an essential part of nature, telling animals when to emerge to hunt, forage, migrate, and mate. When artificial light disrupts those natural light cues, wildlife from bugs to birds, and even plants, are seriously impacted.”
#environment #nature #environmentalactivism #ecology
#Sustainability #Environment #Plastics #EnvironmentalActivism
Let’s remember a different Earth Day and future.
#sustainability #environment #plastics #environmentalactivism
#EarthDay #Sustanability #EnvironmentalActivism #Ecology
A list of many things you can do for Earth Day. Many we should be doing every single day.
Do more than talk about it.
Just Do It!
Read about Sustainability. What can we do…
Earth Day Activities:
#EarthDay #sustanability #environmentalactivism #ecology
#SaveOurOceans #Beaches #Water #BioDiversity #EnvironmentalActivism #MarineLife #RedTide
Welcome to Florida. We are killing our fish and they are washing up on our shores.
#saveouroceans #beaches #water #biodiversity #environmentalactivism #marinelife #redtide
I’m delighted and honoured to have my #art chosen for an American #calendar encouraging #Environmentalactivism #EnvironmentalEducation #ecology
Please enjoy my image “Earth Mother” featured as February.
Good wishes for a serene day and a good week ahead.
#mastoart #artist #artistsofmastodon #earth #environment #canadianart #canadianartist
#art #calendar #environmentalactivism #environmentaleducation #ecology #mastoart #artist #artistsofmastodon #earth #environment #canadianart #canadianartist
#crowdfunding a #movie from friends about #environmentalactivism in The #Gambia, anyone? 4 days left 400eur missing to start level
"It will provide for living costs of the people in the cultural center, we share what we have with those who need it."
#crowdfunding #movie #environmentalactivism #gambia #climateaction
The Beaver Believers are a very generous group of people, all united by this very strange mission to protect this keystone species, our beloved, chunky, charismatic, graceful #beavers.
And then I started reaching out to my state legislators, the IDNR, the Illinois Farm Bureau, etc. And I thought, I think I might need some actual qualifications to do this #beaver advocacy work.
#wildlife #nature #environmentalactivism
#beavers #beaver #wildlife #Nature #environmentalactivism
‘Skyward’: birdwatching is belonging for two teenage conservationists
#biodiversity #birdwatching #environment #environmentalactivism
#biodiversity #birdwatching #environment #environmentalactivism
Hi #Mastodon folks! Here's my #introduction:
My name is Iñaki, I live in #Barcelona, and I'm looking forward to finding nice people here 😊
I got a degree in #Philosophy because I like profound questions that don't have a single answer. In that search for answers, I also got into #meditation, #mindfulness, and #zen. I read a lot and write a little.
Other interests: #python #dataAnalytics #webDevelopment #SQL #data #javascript #books #climateChange #environmentalActivism #science
#Mastodon #introduction #barcelona #philosophy #meditation #mindfulness #zen #python #DataAnalytics #webdevelopment #SQL #data #JavaScript #books #ClimateChange #environmentalactivism #Science
Hi! #introduction. I'm a bit of a homesteader, growing a lot of organic veggies with low-carbon farming practices, also #foraging for #wildfoods. Like the song goes, "I save my seeds and eat the weeds and feed the leftovers to your mom." Also do art, photography and crafts from natural and upcycled materials.
For my trade, I'm lucky enough to have #environmentalactivism as my job. Visit to see how we're taking on newly proposed and existing fossil fuel infrastructure.
#introduction #foraging #wildfoods #environmentalactivism
Mōrena fediverse from #Aotearoa #NZTwits in Murihiku Southland where we made a conscious choice to tread lightly on this #earth #SolarPower #OffGridSurviving #WoodstoveCooking
Enjoy socialising from the comfort of my free hot water bath each morning before climbing out to do #WFH #GLAM #Volunteer
#CommunityProjects while committing acts of #SocialJustice and #EnvironmentalActivism
It's not a lucrative lifestyle by any means, but it does serve others
#aotearoa #NZTwits #earth #solarpower #offgridsurviving #woodstovecooking #wetbackwaterheating #selfsufficiencyliving #wfh #glam #volunteer #communityprojects #socialjustice #environmentalactivism
When joined the #AntiNuclear movement, she was a national climbing champion, & applied her sporting skills to #EnvironmentalActivism with tree-top protests. But scaling trees is now very different… she lives with rheumatoid arthritis.
#antinuclear #environmentalactivism
Hey there #console #gamers, if you want to do your part to help the #environment and don't mind a slight inconvenience, you should really consider disabling your console's standby mode, it has a bigger impact than you might think.
On the latest #xbox and #playstation it will impact startup times less than ever thanks to the ultra fast solid state drive as well!
Full disclosure, it also means that you'll be caught having to update when you'd rather be #gaming right away, but if you have good internet speed, that's only a small problem.
If you choose to meet the challenge, here's instructions on how to do it!
#console #gamers #environment #xbox #playstation #gaming #environmentalism #environmentalactivism #environmentally #sustainability #earth #climate #climateaction #climatechange #games #videogames #videogame #videogaming
Recorded last year at MUTEK_IMG 5, "Relief Effort" explores the ecological footprint in the digital arts and creative industries ➤
#MUTEK #EnvironmentalActivism