"Scientists might be able to keep tabs on the world’s flora and fauna by analysing DNA floating through the air. That’s the conclusion of a study published on 5 June in Current Biology, in which a team identified more than 180 types of organism, including plants, fungi, insects and animals, using DNA captured by filters from air-pollution monitoring stations."
#environmentaldna #biodiversity #environment
Human DNA Is Everywhere: A Boon For Science, While Terrifying Others https://hackaday.com/2023/05/16/human-dna-is-everywhere-a-boon-for-science-while-terrifying-others/ #geneticsequencing #environmentaldna #Science
#geneticsequencing #environmentaldna #Science
Our latest article on #eDNA and #EIA is out this afternoon at #EnvironmentalDNA !
We explore the tantalizing potential of eDNA information within Environmental Impact Assessment! We built a dynamic ecosystem model that simulates and compares species presence observed traditionally and with eDNA. Our framework makes it possible to simulate expected species detections for a given ecosystem, taking some of the guesswork out of study planning. #innovation
#innovation #environmentaldna #eia #edna
#PrePrint time, Cock et al “THAPBI PICT - a fast, cautious, and accurate metabarcoding analysis pipeline” https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.03.24.534090v1 - software DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4529395 - repo https://github.com/peterjc/thapbi-pict/ #EnvironmentalDNA #eDNA #metabarcoding #bioinformatics
#bioinformatics #metabarcoding #edna #environmentaldna #preprint
#Wastewater #pathogen screening
Informative new perspectives article in Science journal on how #genetic screening of #wastewater has now become a major tool in #epidemiology, including for SARS-CoV-2 (#COVID19 )
#wastewater #pathogen #genetic #epidemiology #COVID19 #edna #environmentaldna #erna
NatureMetrics launches biodiversity platform based on environmental DNA - Enlarge (credit: The Burtons)
The business sector has had a fr... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1905363 #environmentaldna #biodiversity #science #cop15 #edna
#edna #cop15 #science #biodiversity #environmentaldna
Oldest DNA yet sequenced shows mastodons once roamed a warmer Greenland - Enlarge / An attempt to reconstruct what northern Greenland looked like... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1902795 #environmentaldna #ancientdna #genomics #science #biology #ecology #dna
#dna #ecology #biology #science #genomics #ancientdna #environmentaldna
The California State Water Resource Control Board's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program's eDNA Metabarcoding Monitoring and Analysis Project (SeMMAP) Please check out our efforts to use #eDNA for #bioassessment
#science #ScienceTwitter #environmentalDNA #metabarcoding #Dataviz
#dataviz #metabarcoding #environmentaldna #sciencetwitter #Science #bioassessment #edna
Combining sampling gear to optimally inventory species highlights the efficiency of eDNA metabarcoding
#edna #metabarcoding #environmentaldna
Policy action needed to unlock eDNA potential
#environmentaldna #edna #sciencetwitter